This is a review for the Rep Fitness HR-5000; a heavy-duty, space-saving, fully-loaded and competitively priced beast of a power rack. And it’s a half rack! the perfect type of rack for a home or garage gym.
Why do I think half racks are the perfect rack for a garage gym? Because half racks offer all the functionality, versatility, safety and storage capability of a full-sized, six-post power rack, yet they require less of your ever-diminishing real estate, cost much less than similarly-built, full-size racks due to the use of less steel (making them less expensive to ship as well), and despite their smaller footprint they still don’t generally need to be bolted to the ground; as is the case with the HR-5000 here.
Now I’m not just saying this because it sounds good, I practice what I preach. In addition to the HR-5000 here I also own a Rogue Collegiate Monster Half Rack; and prior to that rack I had converted an R3 into a half rack as well. I’m all about my power rack not consuming 30 plus square feet of precious floor space like many full-sized racks. I want my safety spotters and that plate storage, and some band pegs too, but please leave me some space for other equipment as well.
In this review I’ll go over the HR-5000’s specifications and dimensions, discuss all the pros and cons of rack, tell you exactly what ships with the rack, and I’ll give you all my thoughts on the product as a whole. I’ll also compare the HR-5000 to my Monster Half Rack; the HR-5000’s main competition (or should that be the other way around?).
Rep HR-5000 Half Rack Review – Table of Contents
- HR-5000 Specifications and Dimensions
- Front Rack Opening – 47″ versus 49″
- Component Review – Sandwich J-Cups
- Component Review – Safety Spotter Arms
- Component Review – Multi-Grip Pull-Up Bar
- Component Review – Plate Storage
- Component Review – Fixed Band Pegs
- Rep/Rogue Cross-Compatibility
- Rep HR-5000 Cons?
- Rep HR-5000 HR vs. Rogue Monster HR
- Rep HR-5000 Review Summary (TL;DR)
Rep Fitness HR-5000 Half Rack – Specifications

- uprights: 3″ x 3″, 11-gauge steel with 1″ attachment holes at 2″ intervals *
- upright holes feature laser cut numbers at odd intervals (1, 3, 5, etc.)
- assembly hardware: m24 bolts (36 mm driver) and m16 bolts (24 mm driver)
- total footprint: 58″ wide by 56″ deep by 93″ high
- does not require anchoring, but anchor holes do exist
- front feet length: 25″
- inside depth (front to rear upright): 20″
- outside to outside distance of front uprights: 47″ †
- Rep HR-5000 ships standard with:
- dual-lock UHMW sandwich-style J-cups
- dual-lock UHMW safety spotter arms
- spotter arm length: 24″
- multi-grip, reversible (fat/skinny) pull-up bar
- 1.25″ diameter (skinny) and 2″ diameter (fat)
- multi-grip height from floor: ~93″
- fixed upper and lower band pegs (3 pairs up, 3 pairs down)
- peg length: 5½”
- distance between pegs: 5½”
- six pairs of weight storage horns (3 pair long, 3 pair short)
- 6″ short horns, 12″ long horns
- Rep Fitness nameplate (always black)
- rear stabilizer (also always black)
- available in four upright colors (hammertone red or blue, metallic black or silver)
- price: $1149 before shipping
- optional dual-sided HR-5100 add-on (I believe black only): $749

* Technically the HR-5000’s uprights are 2.95″ x 2.95″ rather than 3″ x 3″, which I’ll cover.
† versus the 49″ of some racks; namely Rogue.
Rep Fitness HR-5000 Review – Front Rack Opening
The Rep Fitness HR-5000 has a very interesting feature that a lot of lifters find appealing; it has a 47″ opening (inner distance between the two front uprights) rather than the 49″ that is found on a great number of racks (Rogue, for instance.)

The reason this 2″ difference is so attractive is because many people find that 49″ does not leave enough wiggle room for racking and unracking the bar. The complaint (almost always having to do with squatting) is that when walking out of the rack, the plates have a tendency to clip the J-cups or uprights during that first step back. Everything is just so tight on a wider 49″ rack that any lateral movement during that first step back puts the plates right where the rack is. The issue becomes exacerbated if your bar has slim collars, as at least with chunky collars the plates begin the lift-off further away from the uprights and the J-cups.

Power racks with 49″-wide openings don’t leave much space between the plates and the rack.

You get a bit more clearance on a 47″-wide power rack; a smoother walk out.
I personally don’t seem to have this issue; at least it doesn’t happen often enough for me to care; but I can certainly understand why those who do find themselves clipping the rack or cups on the way out would prefer the narrower 47″ racks. If that sounds like you and you’re in the market for a half rack, I can give you at least one good reason why the HR-5000 may be a better option for than many of the other half racks out there.
Rep Fitness HR-5000 Review – J Cups
The HR-5000 comes standard with a pair of dual lock, Sandwich-Style J-cups. “Dual-lock” basically means a double wraparound design – lateral support on both sides of the upright.

This wraparound design is nice enough, but if I’m being honest I’d have to admit that I don’t recall a time where I questioned the stability of my standard-design J-cups. That said, I will admit that Rep’s wraparound design does seem to reduce the likelihood that sliding the bar or racking / unracking will cause the J-cups to rotate out of position, so I suppose that’s still an improvement over standard-design cups.
Rep’s J-Cups are sandwich-style cups, so there is a giant mass of UHMW meant to protect the bar’s finish and knurling. UHMW is also lining the inside of the cups; which protects the paint/finish of your uprights as well.
At the end of the day, you’re looking at a solid J-cup. They’re strong, easy to attach, lined in all the right places with UHMW, and they are even relatively compact compared to Rogue’s Monster Sandwich J-cups (which are definitely nice, but they’re big and they are heavy.)
Rep Fitness HR-5000 Review – Spotter Arms
The HR-5000 Spotter Arms are built with the same dual-lock system as the J-cups. The pin for attaching to the rack is slightly lower than on other spotter arms, and instead of a single wraparound support on only one side, both sides have a wraparound support.

Rep’s spotters have UHMW along the length of the top of the arm, as you’d expect, and the inside of the attachment is also lined with UHMW; again, to protect the rack’s finish.
The HR-5000 Spotters do stay in position; despite attaching with only a single pin; thanks to that dual-lock design, and they definitely appear to be strong enough to be safe (as I’ve had a loaded bar for RDL’s on the outer edge of the spotters while jumping up and down on one side and they didn’t budge.) In other words, I’m not worried about them failing.
The best thing about the HR-5000 Spotter Arms is that they are included in the price of the rack. My Rogue Monster Half Rack didn’t come with spotters. I had to add them at a cost of $270. Nice, beefy spotter arms for sure, the Rogue’s, but definitely not cheap!
Rep Fitness HR-5000 Review – Multi-Grip Pull-up Bar
The Rep HR-5000 also comes standard with a reversible, multi-grip, pull-up bar instead of the typical straight bar that tends to ship with most power racks. This is a nice touch; in my opinion; as having to upgrade this attachment later means we basically pay for our pull-up bar twice (and only one can ever really be installed at a time.)

Rep’s multi-grip bar is black powder coated and textured for an improved grip. In addition to the standard straight pull-up grip, this attachment offers a sloping wide grip, an inner angled grip, two neutral grips (close grip and wide grip), and the whole thing can be installed one of two ways – with a normal 1.25″-diameter pull-up bar or the fat 2″-diameter pull-up bar facing forward.
Rep Fitness HR-5000 Review – Plate Storage
This rack ships with a ton of plate storage horns; 12 individual horns to be exact. Half these are 12″ in length and the other half are 6″ in length. Unless you’re using iron plates, you are actually getting more plate storage than you can even use! Only when your plates shrink in diameter as they get lighter will you actually be able to utilize six horns per upright. But hey, I’d rather have too many than not enough.

I actually have competition bumpers loaded on my HR-5000 so I was unable to get that last short plate horn installed. It didn’t go to waste though! I installed it up high up on the upright facing forward and use it to store a portion of my resistance band collection. I’m sure if you find yourself with an unused horn you too could find a good use for it.
Rep Fitness HR-5000 Review – Band Pegs
The band pegs on the HR-5000 are fixed onto the rack; as in they are not removable or free to move around the rack. I wouldn’t say that I mind this so much as I would say that I would prefer to be able to move them around. Sure, 95% of the time the band pegs on my Rogue rack are in basically the same position as they are on the HR-5000, but there are those rare times when I do move them to an upright for miscellaneous band work.

Now technically you could just buy a set of 1″ band pegs separately; it’s not a big deal. Hell for what Rep is asking for this rack compared to what I paid for the Rogue Monster Rack, I suppose it’s silly to complain about having to buy band pegs on the side; if you even care at all!

An advantage of the HR-5000 over most other half racks is the presence of high band pegs – not just the standard lower pegs. Now I’ve never really had the desire to do negative band work (though I do regularly use bands) but I do know a great number of athletes who do like performing reverse band presses and squats, and now these folks don’t need to own a rack that requires working out inside the rack to make that happen. It’s a nice feature to have the upper pegs, even if you don’t think it’s something you’d care about.

Any drawback of the upper pegs? Depending on your height you may not be able to do pin presses (overhead) without banging the upper peg arms or the pegs themselves. A normal strict press just requires you to walk out a little further; which isn’t a deal breaker to me.
Rep Fitness HR-5000 Review – Cross Compatibility
I mentioned in the specifications that the uprights are actually 2.95″ square rather than a full 3″. If you were to look at the uprights of say a Rogue Monster Rack, you’d notice that those uprights are actually the full 3″. This very small difference of 0.05″ will not interfere with your ability to share accessories from Rogue with Rep (or vice versa) but you may notice that an accessory from Rep will fit tight on a Rogue rack and that Rep accessories feel a bit lose on a Rogue rack.
That said, there is another minor difference between Rogue Monster rack and the HR-5000 that you should be aware of it you were thinking to utilize Rogue’s extensive accessory line on your HR-5000, and that’s that there is a .5 mm difference in hole spacing between these two products. This very minor discrepancy is just enough to prevent many accessories that utilize a two-pin installation from being cross-compatible.
For instance, I own the Rep Dip Attachment for the HR-5000. It attaches to the Rep upright via a 1″ pin. It drops into place much the same was as a J-cup, then is locked onto the rack using a 1″ detent pin (two attachment points total). The Rogue upright has the same 1″ hole sizing and it will accept the Rep Dip Attachment, but the bottom hole that you would secure using the detent pin does not line up. That .5 mm difference in hole spacing over the length of four or five holes is enough to cause an alignment issue for that second pin (see below).

You can attach the Rep Dip Attachment to a Rogue Monster Rack, but the small difference in hole spacing makes it so the bottom holes don’t line up – the pin cannot be inserted.
Now going from Rogue to Rep instead of from Rep to Rogue, let me give another example. I also own the Rogue Monster Trolley Arms, which also utilizes two pins for installation (one is the 1″ trigger pin, the other is a 1″ detent pin). The Trolley Arms actually will install on the HR-5000 because the two attachment holes are closer together. Less distance means there is less deviation, and things still line up well enough for the install. It’s obvious that it’s not a perfect fit, but it does still work. That said, the 0.05″ difference in diameter means that those Trolley Arms feel a hint looser on a Rep upright than they would on the Rogue.

My point is this. If you want to use a Rogue attachment on your HR-5000, just keep in mind that any single-pin attachment will work with no issue, but double-pin attachments may not line up properly. The further apart those two pin points are, the less likely it is that it will fit.
Rep HR-5000 Review – Lots of Pros! Any Cons?
Normally I do a pros and cons list, but this rack is pretty much all pros! The pros list is like this entire review. Can I do a cons list though? Well I love being fair and unbiased, so I’ll try!
HR-5000 Cons
- Band pegs are fixed and do not move. You may want to buy a pack of 1″ band pegs on the side – though I’ll bet less than 10% of you will care about this.
- The .5 mm difference in hole spacing between Rep and Rogue is moderately annoying; as someone who already owns Rogue accessories anyway. To be fair though, it’s only come close to be being an issue, it hasn’t actually been an issue yet.
- I had to buy a metric socket for assembly. I think the 36 mm socket was about $15, and I had to drive all the way to Home Depot to get it! I’m really reaching here btw.
Yeah that’s all I have as far as cons for now but I promise if I think of anything else I will add it to the list.
Rep Fitness HR-5000 versus the Rogue Monster HR
I am rather impressed with the HR-5000, and as someone who just months ago spent a ton of cash on the Rogue Monster Half Rack and who still has that rack all of 10′ away from the HR-5000 Half Rack, I think I’m in a pretty good position to be making a comparison of these two units.

The HR-5000 is $1149 before shipping, and that price includes the spotters, sandwich-style J-cups, band pegs, a ton of plate storage, and a multi-grip pull-up bar. You can add colored uprights for $50 and a dip station for $99. This is a complete product at a very fair price and I do not foresee needing any upgrades to this initial set up.
Rogue’s Monster Half Rack is $1160 before shipping and includes basic J-cups, band pegs, and four pair of storage horns. Even Rogue’s basic cups are nice, and the plate horns are a new design that are long, easy to install, and badass looking, but you’d need to spend $270 to add the safety spotter arms and $500 (yes, I’m serious!) to add the only multi-grip pull-up bar available for the Monster Half Rack (Crown Pull-Up). If you want to swap out the normal J-cups for sandwich-style cups at the time of purchase, that’ll run you another $100.

Additionally, you still need to anchor the Rogue to the ground, and if you wanted those high band pegs on the Rogue you are just out of luck. Custom color on the Rogue will cost a bit more than the $50 Rep wants, but color variety is larger with Rogue Fitness for sure.

On left, the basic J-Cups that Rogue includes with their Monster Racks. On the right are Rep’s sandwich-style J-cups; standard equipment on the HR-5000 and PR-5000.
So clearly the HR-5000 is significantly less expensive, but why is that? Well the Rep HR is an import whereas the Rogue HR is American-made. That fact alone will have some impact on the price. Also, Rogue’s accessories are beefier. The spotters are much more massive & heavy, the sandwich style J-cups are nearly 20 pounds a pair, and even Rogue’s basic cups are pretty substantial. Fit and finish on Rogue racks is also top-tier; even the weight storage horns are pretty fancy. With Rogue you’re simply paying for a more refined, American-made product.

Rogue Spotter Arms are heavy as hell, and attach to the rack using two holes; not one. They are not included with your rack purchase though, rather they’ll cost you an extra $270. Rep’s are included with the HR-5000.
The question is, does any of this stuff matter? When comparing these two half racks, I think I’d argue that it doesn’t really matter. I mean, we’re talking a huge difference in overall price when both of these racks serve the exact same purpose; same function, same basic design and footprint, and pretty much the same features.
When you want a highly-refined, over-engineered, super expensive half rack with with more accessory options than you can shake a stick at, you go Rogue. When price actually makes a difference to you but you still want function, variety, style and most importantly safety, you go with Rep Fitness. There is no wrong answer. It’s all about your budget and what add-ons you think you’ll want down the road. Safety and function are covered with either rack.
Rep Fitness HR-5000 Half Rack Review Summary

The Rep HR-5000 is one hell of a rack. It’s beefy, it’s fully-loaded, it’s awe-inspiring, and it’s even slightly intimidating in its size; which is amazing considering its relatively conservative foot print. It’s just a lot of product for a price that just cannot be beat.
I mean think about what we get with the HR-5000. For $1150 you get a 93″ tall, 3″ x 3″ rack with sandwich-style J-cups and 24″ long safety spotter arms as standard equipment, a multi grip pull-up bar, no less than 12 chrome-finished weight storage horns, and both upper and lower band pegs. It also has a nameplate instead of a basic crossmember, stabilizer across the base of the rack, optional anchor holes, numbered uprights, and even the opportunity to choose a color for so little money it’s not even worth commenting on. Do we see any issues with this? I sure don’t!
The HR-5000 is a steal at its current price. If you’re in the market for a power rack for your garage or home gym this really should be on your short list. Even if you were originally only looking at standard racks and not half racks, you should still be considering this. It’s just so much rack for the money and it’s still compact, functional, safe, and able to accept many an optional accessory.
I absolutely recommend the Rep Fitness HR-5000 Half Rack. No hesitation; no doubt about it… and the Hammertone colors are just beautiful. I obviously have the blue but I have seen the red as well. Both of them are classy as hell (especially when you bench matches!)

Can you tell me the max height the spotter arms can be set on the Rep and Rogue (e.g., for OH Jerk Supports). Would you even recommend setting the arms so high for safety reasons, or would a full rack be preferable.
Fantastic review, as always. Greatly appreciated…
Thanks Gil. Let me get back to you on this one when I get back to the house. You just want to know like what the height of the spotters are when they’re up as high as they’ll go?
If you’re going to set spotter arms that high on a squat stand or half rack that’s not bolted down, just keep the bar on the inside half of the spotters and you won’t have any issues. You can technically put the weight anywhere on the spotters so long as the spotters aren’t longer than the feet under the rack, but closer to the post is going to be better for stability.
Correct, as high as they’ll go, so when doing supramax jerk lockouts (elbows locked, no pressout) or supports one doesn’t have to bend down too far to get under it – just to, say, the jerk dip position. Probably won’t matter for shorter lifters, but for anyone of average height or taller, a full rack might be necessary. These half racks are over 90 inches, so as long as the arms can be mounted at above 6 ft or so, they should be OK for most lifters. As you say, they are attractive for a lot of reasons. Thanks again…
The Rogue is 85″ and the Rep is 81″ with a maximum press height of 87″ because of high band pegs
That is really helpful info. Your reviews are hand-down the most thorough and complete on the web. Seriously, with the exception of Average Broz review of the Eleiko NxG bars, I can’t think of a review, written or video, that remotely approaches the level of detail that you provide. Thanks again for doing this…!
That’s very nice of you. I appreciate that very much! And of course, I hope that helps you narrow down on what you need.
Has your opinion on the blue color changed at all or do you still love it? I think I’m going to give my gym another splash of color and add a blue rack to my red bench lol. I just can’t find many pictures of Rep’s blue as their red seems to be the popular one.
No, I still like it. I’m more of a blue guy than red. I do like the clear coats and stainless look a bit more but that wasn’t an option for the HR or the benches. I have a blue custom nameplate coming from Rogue for my Monster HR… one of these months! I’m looking forward to getting that. Should match the Rep stuff fairly well. Well enough anyway.
Still, not being a red guy, that red is sharp.
I have a red Legend adjustable, a little green DIY deadlift Jack, and so if I add a blue rack my wife will be forced to let me get colored competition plates right? Thanks for the input!
haha I can’t help you with that =p
Think this will stay in the gym over the R-Collegiate HR or visa versa?
Well truth is that I’d be happy with either, but a couple months ago I spent several hundred dollars on top of what the already Monster cost for a custom, three-layer nameplate, and I should be receiving that within the next month. For that reason alone I’ve decided I have to keep the Rogue. Having said that, I do like being able to move my band pegs. I use them for crossovers and reverse flyes (I have a wall anchor opposite the rack).
Having them both to choose from is one thing, but had I bought the HR-5000 first I never would have purchased the more expensive Monster… if that answers your question.
Holy cow, I just noticed you have your pull up bar spanning the center support and the overhead band peg arm, I didn’t even think to do that. Maybe I misread the directions but I have it pushed one hole slot closer to the back of the rack and feel caged in doing assisted pullups. I’ll be changing it this weekend. Since my rack is bolted to the floor I don’t have to worry about tipping over.
Thanks, Ryan
haha oh no! Maybe I did it wrong and it just worked? I don’t remember haha
Looks like the Rogue Collegiate Half rack allows you to customize and add the gusset with crown pull up bar for $250, and the Sandwich J Cups for $50. Still $270 for the spotter arms, but it brings the price to be a little more comparable with the HR-5000. Thanks for the review, excellent as always.
The HR5000 looks amazing in blue. How do you think the blue powder coat will hold up over time? Will scuffs and scratches be more apparent on the blue than on black?
It’ll hold up as well as any other color, and scratch like any other color… and I suppose technically it would probably be a hint easier to see the scratch on blue than black, but really not by much. You’re going to see a scratch or ding either way if it’s there, but I think you’d have to put a pretty big scar on it for it to stand out.
Are the band pins truly fixed as in they can’t be removed or are they bolted in? Personally I might not want them there since I sometimes like to squat without the spotters and bail if necessary.
They’re bolted. They can technically be removed, they just aren’t quickly removed.
Thanks for the reply. I was wondering what size the holes are that the band pegs are bolted through. Seems like one of the major cons of this rack could be resolved by getting some of the rogue band pegs for about $50. But only if they have a size that would be compatible.
Yikes I don’t know. I don’t have the HR anymore.. had to make space for the PR for that review. I do think they were closer to a 5/8″ hole than the 1″ holes found elsewhere, but I’d send Rep an email for that info rather than allowing me to guess =p
Thanks. That’s what I assumed because the bolts on the inside do look a lot smaller. It almost looks like the hole is 5/8” on the inside and 1” on the outside which would be unfortunate for pin comparability
If I remember correctly, the hole is the same on both sides. The pegs are thicker but they sit flush against the feet and are held in place via a narrower bolt that runs through both holes and tightens down on the inside of the feet. I’m pretty sure that’s how those attach.
I’m leaning towards a half rack to save some space in my garage gym and was looking at this and the HR-2. The only thing the HR-2 has over this I think is American made, can be converted into a full rack, and the west side hole spacing. Otherwise, the HR5000 seems to be better. The Monster Collegiate HR is out of my price range. Would you go with the HR5000?
I wish they offered the HR5000 in the clear coat but the blue looks amazing. How does the powder coat hold up vs Rogue’s powder coat? Also, do you notice a lot of wear on the powder coat from moving the spotter arms around?
Since you also have the PR5000 as well, how would you compare the PR5000 vs HR5000? Do you still enjoy lifting with the half rack?
Thanks for your review and appreciate any input to these questions.
I don’t think that there is a significant difference in the quality of the powder coats between brands. They both look great and hold up well, but they both DO wear from repeated moving of the spotter arms and to a lesser extent the J-cups. Actually Rep’s J-cups and arms do less damage technically because they are ridiculously heavy.
I kept the Collegiate Half Rack over the HR-5000 mostly because I have custom branding on the Rogue. The HR-5000 is obviously a better deal overall but I already owned the Collegiate Half Rack so it was a pretty easy decision to just keep that one. I love the PR-5000; especially now that I’ve got their belt squat to mess with; but it’s a monstrosity and I still haven’t decided which to keep. Again, the custom branding of my Rogue rack makes me want to lean that way also I do really prefer the space-commitment requirements of a half rack over a full-sized rack. The PR-5000 is more rack than the HR-5000, but again that low space requirement of the half rack(s) is pretty compelling in a garage. If Rep ever gets the same accessory line for the HR as they do for the PR, the PR is going to be a less popular rack for the home gym crowd.
All of these are fine units though. Strong, versatile, reliable, and safe. With the exception of the Rogue and its recent price increase, they are all affordable as well.
Great review as always.
I really do like Half racks. Im still trying to decide between HR-5000 and Monster Collegiate hr. Since Rogue raised their price it’s not even close anymore. First I thought they added safety spotters but I doesn’t look like it.
Do like Rep’s color options although Clear coat as someone mentioned would have been awesome. I asked rogue and they can’t even do custom color anymore.
If total would be couple hundred dollars difference it would not be a problem but I see $600+ for same setup I like.
That might be too much, although I like ROGUE quality.
Rep also doesn’t charge tax, that’s another $100+ savings.
HR-5000 does seem to make more sense though …
Rogue did indeed make that decision easier for a lot of people when the rack jumped up, what? $300 or so?!
It was a little easier for me to decide which to keep because I owned the Collegiate before the HR-5000, and it was my personal and customized rack already, but I can certainly see going Rep when starting from nothing – especially now (I paid the $1200 for the Rogue when I bought it.)
Great review with a lot of information!
I’m interested in getting a HR-5000 for a garage gym, but have to do some MacGyvering to make it fit. I was wondering what the distance between the floor and the LOWER part of the upper arms where the band pegs are attached? Trying to open up a garage door under the upper arms.
Thank you!
Unfortunately, you may have to send this question directly to Rep. I sold the HR and bought the PR-5000 for that review some time ago, so I can’t go out there and check that out for you. Sorry =/
Thank you for the quick response!
No need to be sorry, I’ll send the question to REP.
Great content on the page, so much valuable information and thoughts.
I appreciate that very much
One followup question you might be able to answer:
Would you be able to assemble the upper crossmember beams (were you would attache the upper band pegs) at a lower height on Rep’s rack/half-rack? If that’s the case my problem would be solved.
Thank you for helping out!
Well, and I’m going off my old pictures of the rack, it looks like you could install that upper hardware at any height you want.
So, you’re trying to lower the upper crossmembers and band peg posts so your door can clear these components rather than hit them? If so, if you considered just not installing those upper band peg posts? 95% of people probably never use those at all.
Good point!
Unfortunately I’m one in the 5% that would use the upper band pegs, but sometimes you can’t have everything you want.
I have been looking at the pictures of the half rack and I have the same feeling. I can fit the uprights where they don’t interfere with the garage door, but the band pegs would have to be assembled at a lower height. The power racks comes with an option of lower uprights (80″), but the half-rack doesn’t.
Thank you for your patience and expertise, greatly appreciated! And your response time have been really fast.
Yeah you got it. Remember, if in doubt, ask them at Rep for confirmation! =p
Just curious – now that it’s been several months with this thing if you would still recommend it? I’m in no hurry to purchase a new rack, but would love to know any updated things you’ve got to say!
Thanks for the awesome review!
It doesn’t even exist anymore in this form. A new version is incoming.
great review man, i’m looking forward to buy this rack(yes, this model is still available in my country lol), so i wanted to asked you, was it stable during weighted pull-ups and weighted dips?, or more generally, did it wobble when you performed this kind of movements?, how did the dip attachment perform overall?.
again, thanks for the review and i hope you reply, peace.
It’s a very stable rack – unless for some reason you’re not storing any weights on it. It’s still stable, but the added weight makes it more so. You actually have your choice of sides for installing the dip station too, so even if you were a huge dude and the rack had nothing to weigh it down you could put the dip station towards the inside.