This is a review of the Powertec WorkBench Levergym System; a multi-use, plate-loaded gym station designed to give a home gym owner with limited floor space and limited funds access to a large variety of machine-based resistance exercises. It features both a low and high pulley system, adjustable pressing arms, and an adjustable, detachable bench. Other accessories that allow you to expand the unit even further are also available.
At $1250 on Amazon, the Workbench is a pretty good value. The leverage pulley system is ingenious, the frame is strong and beefy, and it truly does offer a lot of exercise variety. For novice or recreational lifters with no interest in the more complicated barbell movements, it can be a great choice for a home gym. But what about for more discriminating, experienced lifters who see a machine like this more as an accessory station than a substitute for a bar?
I truly believe that the WB-LS’s overall value changes based on who is using it; with novices getting the most from the system, and veterans getting the very least. Since my readers are generally the more experienced athletes, I will be looking at the WorkBench from that more experienced perspective. I find that among experienced lifters that there is more interest in this machine for accessory work than primary lifts, and I think these folks want to know that the machine can not only do these secondary movements, but do them well (offer full ROM, adjust for various heights and builds, offer a high enough weight capacity, and so forth.)
To put all that another way, if you’re a total newbie who just wants a machine that can mimic a row of commercial gym machines in your home for not a lot of money, then you’ll probably be very happy with the WorkBench. It’s easy to use, versatile, and fairly inexpensive.
If you’re a powerlifter, strongman, or any other experienced lifter who basically just needs a decent cable station and a decent device for blasting out your chest after an hour under the barbell, but you still care about function, form and positioning, and you intend to load this up with some real weight, well then this review is for you.
Two things before I begin…
First, as one focused on the bench press, deadlift, press, and squats above all else, I never felt that this machine was worth buying new for $1250+. I only purchased it when I was able to find a good deal used. If you too are interested in the WorkBench purely as an accessory machine, I recommend that you scour the used marketplace for one as well before you dish out $1250+ for a new one.
Second, if you do buy one of these used, be aware that there are a few generations of this product. My LeverGym is the version that came prior to the current model. It lacks a couple minor changes, as does the model prior to that, but by-and-large these changes don’t have much impact the overall function of the unit. If you can buy one for half the cost of new, well who cares which version it is (do pay attention to bench portion of this review though).
Powertec WorkBench WB-LS Specifications

- Full dimensions with bench attached: 81½” tall x 57½” wide x 81½” deep
- Primary frame construction: 11-gauge, 3″x3″ steel tubing
- Max pulley capacity: 300-lbs
- Max pressing arms capacity: 500-lbs
- On-board plate storage: one pair of horns
- Adjustable vinyl knee roller pad for lat pulldowns
- Iso-lateral pressing function on late models only (fixed on the others)
- Squat bar attachment for the pressing handles allow for makeshift leg workouts
- Available in multiple black and yellow color combinations
- Retail price of $1250 and up depending on merchant ($915 for only the tower)
Different generations have different bases, and older models have an available safety mod that you can request for free from Powertec; even if you buy used. I was offered this retrofit kit, but I never received it (I’ll address that in the customer service section of this review.)
Powertec WorkBench Review
I’m going to split this review into two different reviews – one for the tower component of the WorkBench (WB-LST) and one for the adjustable bench. I believe it needs to be done this way because one half of the full package WorkBench is versatile, useful, and well-built, and the other is total garbage (and irrelevant for new purchases). I do want to give credit where credit is due though, and this feels like the best way to do that.
- Section 1: The Tower Review
- Section 2: The Bench Review
- Section 3: Customer Service Review
- Section 4: Summary
Section 1: The Powertec LeverGym Tower (WB-LST)
The tower portion of the WB-LS is a pretty solid piece of equipment. It comprises about 2/3 of the total WB-LS price, offers a ton of variety in terms of exercises that can be performed, takes up very little square footage in your gym, and it has a longer list of pros than cons.
The WB-LS is a leverage system. It features a single-cable that runs from the lower portion of the tower through a series of pulleys up to the top portion of the tower. Pulling from either end of this cable results in the weights being lifted. This system is very smooth, offers very consistent tension throughout the full range, and can handle an adequate 300-pounds. The cable portion of the tower alone makes it worthy of consideration.

Low rows are very smooth on the Powertec, but they do need to be done from the floor rather than on a bench. In the image, he dumbbells are for my feet; otherwise I’m too close to the machine for any real ROM.
There is also a pair of plate-loaded pressing arms on the front of the tower. These arms are adjustable to allow for shoulder presses, incline bench press, flat bench press, or a very low setting just for getting the arms out of the way when using the machine for cable work.
Pros of the WorkBench Tower (WB-LST)
- The pulley system is surprisingly smooth regardless of whether you pull from the high pulley or the low pulley. The cable never sticks or feels like it’s dragging at any point.
- The tower is very stable when using the high cable, and so long as weights are loaded on the storage pins the unit is equally stable when using the low cable.

Both pulleys are super smooth, and exercise variety is limited only by the number of attachments you have.
- With both a high and low pulley, the variety of exercises possible is limited only by your attachment collection. You can do lat pulldowns, tricep pressdowns, bicep curls, upright rows, lateral and front raises, low rows, kickbacks, and pretty much any cable exercise that doesn’t require a cable crossover.
- The pulley system can handle up to 300-pounds total. It’s not jaw-dropping high, but it should be adequate for the vast majority of lifters.
- Creative owners have managed to expand upon the WorkBench; some even making a belt squat platform with the lower pulley.
- The unit does come with adjustment chains and multiple attachments. They are pretty basic, but they work.
- The front of the tower features an adjustable roller pad for the knees for performing lat pulldowns. It can be set to be completely out of the way when using the pressing arms with a bench as well.

An adjustable knee roller pad keeps you locked to the floor and bench when performing lat pulldown variations.
- The pressing arms are smooth, can handle up to 500-pounds total, and offer a number of starting point positions. I consider the pressing arms to be like a budget version of a Hammer Strength machine. It’s not perfect, but it’s nice to go blow out the chest at the end of a workout with the WorkBench.
- The pressing arms are multi-grip, allowing for variability in hand positioning. This also allows them to be used for shrugs and awkward bent-over rows. You should probably stick with the barbell for this stuff, but it’s there if you need it.
- The Workbench comes with a removable, padded bar for turning the pressing arms into a makeshift hack squat machine. I personally think this is ridiculous but I know for a fact some people use their Powertec for squats.
Cons of the WorkBench Tower (WB-LST)
- This leverage system does not allow for a very large range of motion. You can only pull the cable so far before you’ve moved the plates thru their full range. Chains are used to change the starting position of your cable attachment, but maximum range of motion is always limited. Tall people will probably have issues with a number of movements. I did.
- In order for the tower to be stable, you’ll really want there to always be plates loaded on the storage pins, and this means that you won’t be loading up the cable or the pressing arms with weights from the storage pins, but rather from somewhere else in the gym. Additionally, the storage pins are in a very frustrating location on the frame – it’s hard to load and especially unload plates from the pulley’s pins while plates are on the storage pins. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
- This machine is not very accommodating to tall athletes. In addition to anyone over say 6’1″ or so bumping their head on the top of the pulley, things just stop lining up well the taller you get. You can’t squat or calf raise, you can’t do full ROM pulldowns (you either won’t get the stretch or you won’t come down all the way), and it gets harder to line up under the pressing arms the taller you get. 6’2″ or taller? Skip the Powertec – or at least try one somewhere (thoroughly) before you buy.

The Powertec adjustable bench that I have is no good for pressing at my height, but a standard bench cannot be pushed close enough to the machine to work well either. Either way I go I have to flare my shoulders, so I just don’t.
Tower Summary
The tower is a solid piece of equipment. It will allow you to do any movement that you could do with a lat tower/low row combo; it will definitely allow you to do any movements that you could do with the Spud Inc. Pulley System; and it will even give you access to the Hammer Strength-style, iso-lateral pressing movements. Lots of variety indeed!
The Powertec tower takes up very little floor space (when the bench is not attached), it will accept any cable attachment you can imagine, and it just does an all-around decent job of rounding out a garage gym that would normally consist of just a power rack, barbell, plates, and maybe a GHD or something.
Having said that, the cable portion of this tower is really the only thing that offers exercises that you couldn’t already tackle with a barbell. If you own the Spud Inc. system already then about all it’s really adding to your arsenal is the low pulley (Spud’s low pulley is wonky). The question you have to ask is whether this is worth $900+. I think it can be, but I also feel this should be picked up used whenever possible.
Section 2: The Powertec Adjustable Bench
Sadly, this bench is by far the worst thing about the whole Powertec WorkBench system. I have literally nothing positive to say about it that I couldn’t just as easily say about any $100 bench from Academy or Sears. It’s very disappointing; especially for what it costs.

The previous generation of the Powertec Adjustable Bench. The good news is that you only have to avoid this version if you’re shopping the used market (which you probably should be.)
Fortunately the bench I own is not the same bench you’d get if you purchased a brand new model. Still, since many will attempt to buy a WorkBench used, I am going to explain why I do not like this particular bench so that you can decide whether or not you are willing to buy a WorkBench that includes this same adjustable bench.
Cons of the 2014 Powertec Adjustable Bench
- The pins used for making adjustments are garbage. They take a lot of effort to use, and they are prone to jamming and just outright breaking. Why Powertec just didn’t use the same spring-loaded pull pin that you’d find on any other equipment is beyond me.
- The seat adjusts to three different positions, but each adjustment only moves it a couple degrees. Using the highest setting still feels like a flat bench; doing nothing to help keep you in the bench when incline pressing.

This is the highest seat position. It may as well not adjust at all if you ask me!
- There is an excessive amount of hinges and joints on this bench, and it is quite wobbly because of this. The combined weight of the user and the weights is basically resting all on these joints rather than on the frame. I would be very reluctant to load up this bench with real weight.

The Powertec Adjustable Bench basically floats on an unnecessary amount of pins, bolts, and pivot points; making for a rather wobbly bench, and one that I don’t trust with a whole lot of weight.
- The pad is pretty basic; certainly not supportive like many of today’s newer benches.
- The handles that are mounted on the bench for doing leg extensions feel like they are about to be ripped clear of the frame during each rep. I’ve tightened these bolts down twice in the three months I’ve owned it and it still comes loose with (very moderate) use.
- The bench is only remotely stable when attached to the WorkBench frame, but leaving it attached makes lining the bench under the pressing handles impossible. You’ll either line up properly under the handles for pressing, or you won’t. I do not. The bench is not stable enough when unattached from the unit for heavy pressing so I just don’t use it at all.
- The fact that the bench makes up $340 of the total price of the WB-LS is just ridiculous. This is an Academy bench worth no more than $150. I stopped using it for anything but leg curls / extensions within a week of ownership; replacing it with my Rep FB-5000 for flat presses and lat pulldowns, and my Legend 3-way bench for incline presses.
Having said all that…
The new 2016 bench does look much improved over the previous bench. It features a wider footprint which should help with stability, an actual support frame rather than all the floating components, and the swivel feature looks to be completely removed.

The 2016 bench is definitely better than the previous gen, but I’m a little concerned that the price is still too high considering the drawbacks. I’d much rather see people buy a different bench altogether for their WorkBench tower.
The new bench does appear to use the same silly adjustment pins though, and the pad and handles look identical as well. Also, the downside of that extra stability is that the front feet of the bench are going to be precisely where your feet are going to be when pressing.
Finally, the same issue with positioning under the bench handles will exist since this model also needs to be attached to the frame of the WorkBench. However, it is quite possible that because of the increased stability of this newer bench that it can be used (with confidence) when detached from the frame, eliminating that issue altogether. Feel free to comment with some feedback if you own the 2016 Powertec bench.
So yes, the new 2016 is a better bench. I still don’t think that it’s a $340+ bench though.
Powertec Customer Service / Customer Relations
Customer service issues with equipment vendors are rare. In my reviews, I generally don’t mention customer service unless it’s especially good, questionable, or just outright awful. I kind of just leave ‘normal’ alone. Now I don’t think Powertec has horrible “run away as fast as you can” customer service or anything, but my experiences with them have left much to be desired.
I found Powertec’s ordering process to be cumbersome and extremely slow. Orders have to be placed on the phone, they don’t get processed until the following week, and since orders aren’t placed online you don’t get shipping or tracking information unless your salesperson deliberately follows up with you. I ordered two replacement parts; a yellow pin for the bench and a replacement cable; and I didn’t receive a tracking number until the very day it arrived at my doorstep – about 10 days after calling in the order.
Forgiving Powertec for their antiquated ordering process, I still had two other issues. First, the replacement pin that I purchased broke immediately. I followed up with my salesperson only to be told that this is normal, and that I should simply purchase adhesive and glue the pin back together. I’m not kidding. I was not offered a replacement on this brand new part, I was not offered the adhesive, and he didn’t seem very bothered or apologetic about selling me something that went right into the trash.
Finally, when I placed this order for parts, I was told there was a known safety issue with my tower unit and that I was entitled to a free retrofit kit that would correct this safety hazard. I accepted this safety kit but it was not included in my package. I inquired about it, of course, and I was told it was on its way and that it would arrive soon, but soon never came. I still do not have this retrofit kit to this day.
All-in-all, I think Powertec is just unorganized and behind the times. I recommend that you buy new Powertec equipment from a third-party vendor and only deal with Powertec directly when you need a specific part. By doing so you’ll not only avoid potential customer service issues, but you’ll also save as much as 15% on the cost of the equipment.
Powertec WB-LS Levergym System Review Summary
I do enjoy the tower portion of the WorkBench. I can see this being used on a regular basis even if just used for secondary/accessory lifts. Exercise variety is virtually unlimited and the cable moves through the pulley system very smoothly delivering consistent tension with no catching or dragging. I think the height of the pulley could stand to be a little higher so that tall people can stand under it, but unless you’re trying to squat in this thing it doesn’t come up much.
The pressing arms can also be fairly useful if you’re fortunate enough to have a bench that allows you to line up properly under the handles. I’ve had major issue with this myself, and I own no less than five benches at the moment. The 2016 version of the WorkBench has iso-lateral pressing arm function, which is a very nice touch, but you still need to be able to line up properly to use those arms safely (with good form.) If you’re of average height you likely won’t have too many issues (see a theme? This thing hates tall people).
I don’t care for the older bench model that I have one bit, and I strongly recommend against buying a unit that includes this particular bench. I also don’t even think the newer bench is a very good value at it’s over $300 price tag. I think you can do way better for the money.
The bottom line is this. Unless you’re a casual lifter or total novice, don’t buy the full system new. If you’re looking to use this to supplement workouts rather than lead them, pick up the system used if possible. If you absolutely must buy new, buy only the tower, and buy it from somewhere other than Powertec direct (Amazon Prime members can have the tower to the door for about $915 versus $999 + shipping from Powertec. If you need the entire WB-LS system it’s over $200 less on Amazon than from Powertec.)
In summary the WorkBench Tower offers good value; especially second-hand; and I don’t mind recommending it. The bench is a waste of money; especially the previous generation model, and I do not recommend it.

It may be too much to expect you to try the available options, but I think a lot of people would want something like this but with no problems — both plate-loaded and selectorized.
Thanks for reviewing this one, though.
Hey, nice wall logo — maybe I’ll get one next time the garage gets a bunch of work.
Are you talking about the accessories? Or are you referring to other machines like the WorkBench? like the Body Solid Corner thing?
The accessories are ridiculous, and I actually am going to keep an eye out for alternatives because I think this type of dual-cable machine with pressing station is a good idea, and they really are compact all things considered. I think the tower part of the WorkBench is about as good as it can be without costing more, but that’s not to say there isn’t a better option that is more accommodating to a larger group of lifters (quite literally, as in tall lifters). It’s probably not the Body Solid though – looks like it hosts the same issues. Still I’d have to see one, and I’m on the lookout.
Thanks btw, on the wall logo.
I was thinking towards other brands — as in how much money to avoid the problems.
Just found selectorized stacks on Amazon – never looked before:
The Body Solid are $1.80/lb delivered, Ader $2.50.
Maybe I’ll DIY a Freemotion or such.
Hello, I am considering getting the LS but replacing the bench like you suggested. I was wondering if it could work just as good with my Rep Ab3100? Supposedly the PTec bench is 18” flat, and my rep is around 17”, however the Powertec bench could adjust the more angles (not including decline since I don’t care for it), should I worry about those differences?
I have yet to find a bench that works well with the Powertec because nothing can get close enough to the unit to get aligned under the pressing arms. This is going to be less of a problem for most people because I’m pretty damn tall but it will likely still be an issue even at more average heights. The Powertec bench has the pivoting and/or sliding system to allow it to get closer whereas no other bench does. Flat pressing isn’t so bad but incline has never been possible for me because the more incline, the further away from unit the upper body is. My best advice is to find a bench with a pad that hangs over the legs of the bench by a good 4-5″ in order to get close. The height of the bench itself doesn’t really matter. None of this bench situation impacts the use of the cables obviously.
Oh I get it, dang that’s sucks because I love the incline angles more than the flat on my Powertec Multi System, the larger unit with 3 stations. Yeah my rep adjustable bench won’t work then, I guess I should I should wait for the LS with the newer bench to pop up in Craigslist. Thanks for the helpful response!
Of course, and sorry. These multi-station type things are really designed to be used only with their own equipment. That wouldn’t be bad if, as is the case with the Powertec, a major component didn’t mostly suck. I still have mine, but I’m actively looking for its replacement because of the issues I have with the pressing section. It’s an excellent cable station – very compact really, and smooth, but I’d rather have a system that was 100% useful.
No worries, i’m glad I came here before finding out later on my own. I wonder if the body solid would have the same issue, but then again it looks pretty much like the powertec tower ha.
This just might be the best review I’ve read about anything ever.
Thank you for putting in so much attention to detail.
There is a better version of this leverage gym, also suited for taller people and it comes with a better bench. It’s the Megatec Triplex.
I just wanted to comment on the newly revised powertec workbench utility adjustable bench. I recently got it in from Amazon, used- like new, for $264 and it has a few scratches and small nicks, but otherwise in excellent condition. I previously had the older version and I can concur that the issues you stated I had too. The newer bench fixes most of those and is even more versatile. The handles are not more stable, hex bolts instead of Philips screws. The pad is nicer, firmer, and overall better. The positions are more spaced properly and the foot position is fine with having my feet on top of the front legs. The same pins are still there however, I don’t care for them, but they seem to be a little smoother. Anyway thank you for such a great review. I would love to read your thoughts/input about Titan fitness products.
I appreciate the update on that newer bench, William. I’m certainly glad to hear that it’s improved because that old bench really was a nightmare of a product, and I really do like a lot of what Powertec does.
I kind of go against the grain when it comes to Titan; at least among my fellow reviewers. I believe that anyone who can put a pair of 45’s on a bar (regardless of the lift) should steer clear of Titan products; which I think covers just about everyone. They are cheap, poorly constructed, and even dangerous products in many cases. I’m personally afraid of their J-cups, their safeties, and really anything with welds to be honest. Some people will tell you that only a couple of people so far have had their J-cups snap in two or a weld shatter, but I don’t want to be the guy that happens to and I definitely don’t want it to happen to any of my friends or family who use my gym. It’s just not worth the savings.
Sorry, I know the thought of saving that much money on something that looks the same as say a Rogue product is appealing, but you won’t get that recommendation from me – at least not with Titan. There are other companies out there that cost less than Rogue that don’t give any reason to be concerned for safety.
Some of what you say is true. I’ve owned that gym since 2014. You can really load the wait on. You just need help understanding the machine. Plus your imagination is limited to the amount of exercises you can do. Plus they make ton of attachments for the unit. Also never had a problem with customer service excellent. Maybe you had a bad experience guy. Sorry!!!
I have an idea and wanted some feedback on it. I use the bench/shoulder press bar in the highest position to do dips. Do you think it would safe to drill two holes about 4 – 6 inches higher so that I can do pull-ups?
You just want to add another set of holes to the same beam that already has them? I don’t see why not, so long as you have a clean way of doing that that won’t distort the beam itself. I’d probably make sure you have some weight on those storage horns before you actually do the pull-ups.
I’m 64 years old and have used free weights in a gym for years in my youth. This is just right for an old man. I’m at about 75% of my youth right now and I’m sure my avatar will decline as I age. Really feels good. I have the older version I got used with curl and leg lift stations used cheap. I had free weights but went with this due to no spotter safety. No seated row pulley setup. Dead lift not an option due to old age. Bench is clunky. I think a new one with increased stability is of good value if you are not tall. I payed around $300 for mine used. I think I would get the multi station used if I had the space.
It’s not a bad unit. The bench is crap though. Clunky is too nice of a word haha. New bench looks way better though. Not great, but a lot better.
I have questions regarding the actual dimensions of the machine cause the width on the site does not sound accurate