Have you decided to incorporate some kettlebells into your training? Thanks in large part to CrossFit, kettlebell training is quite fashionable these days. It’s not that kettlebell training is brand new or anything, but I do think that it is fair to say that kettlebell usage and sales has surged as a direct result of CrossFit.
It’s for good reason though. The kettlebell has a been a great tool for increasing strength for some time. Even before CrossFit, many knew the kettlebell could be used to strengthen the legs, back, shoulders, and core. Hell, it was already its own sport. It was really just a matter of time before the kettlebell joined the strength training implement arsenal alongside the bar and dumbbell.
There isn’t a whole lot you need to know about the kettlebell itself; it’s a cannonball with a handle. And while you should seek out guidance on how to safely use them, the process of selecting bells that you will both be happy with and get years of use out of is simple. Having said that, don’t just rush out to the nearest Academy or Wal-Mart and buy a kettlebell. I said there isn’t much to know, but there is still some stuff to know.
In this article I’ll first cover what to look for when kettlebell shopping, and then I will offer up some recommendations based on that. I will include brands, styles, pricing, and some pros and cons.
Last updated December 21, 2017 – added a table of contents and Onnit licensed Star Wars Kettlebells; made some minor edits to grammar.
Kettlebell Guide Table of Contents:
- How to shop for a quality kettlebell
- Suggested kettlebell brands/models
- Honorable mentions
- Kettlebell guide summary
Kettlebell Guide – Handle & Grip
Handle Seam (Flashing)
The process of casting a kettlebell leaves flashing (think of it as a seam) across the middle of the underside of the handle. This flashing needs to be filed down before the kettlebell is coated or finished so that there is a nice, even surface to hold on to. The cheaper kettlebell manufacturers will make no effort to remove this sharp seam, and your hands will suffer for it (and very likely bleed from it).
Before you buy any kettlebell make certain that this flashing was filed down. Run your hand around the entire handle, especially underneath. You won’t have to worry about this when it comes to kettlebells from reputable companies like Vulcan, Onnit, and Rogue, but if you’re looking for kettlebells in chain sporting good stores or box stores, take a good look. Honestly, I do not suggest buying equipment from chain stores, but if you must at least you now know what to look out for.
Handle Diameter
Depending on the size of your hands, you may want to pay special attention to the diameter of the handles. Not all vendors publish this number on their websites or packaging but most do. Expect decent kettlebells to have handle diameters starting at about 30-31 mm and go up to around 38 mm for the heaviest units. Cheaper kettles can have super narrow handles that are nearly impossible to hold on to during kettle swings and are total junk for snatches; so you probably don’t want that.
Most basic kettlebell handles will get thicker as the weight goes up. Competition kettlebells will generally have a uniform handle diameter regardless of the weight (33 mm). These are more expensive per unit but if you want consistency, comps are the way to go.
The real point here is to avoid kettles that have really skinny, cheap handles. Just like with the flashing issue this won’t be a problem if you avoid the cheap box store brands like CAP Barbell, Gold’s and whatever brand they’re selling at Target and Wal-Mart.
Handle Width
For some movements you will need both hands to be able to fit inside the handle opening without it being too tight or uncomfortable. While the handles do tend to get wider as the weight of the bell goes up, some manufacturers like Rogue or Onnit make kettlebells that have handles that extend out past the diameter of the ball in a V shape for the small bells (see image directly below). If you have larger hands you may want to consider one of these brands.
Going back to the competition kettlebells, they also have a consistent handle size among all weights. So if you’re willing to spend the extra money on competition kettlebells, you can be sure the handle opening is large enough for two hands regardless of weight.
Kettlebell Construction Methods
There are two methods typically used to make a kettlebell: one piece casting or two piece assembly. The latter method involves attaching the handle to the ball, and is not as strong or secure as the one piece casting. You don’t want the weighted ball to come flying off the handle during a swing. I’m pretty sure that flying cannonball is going to destroy whatever it hits no matter how light it is for a kettlebell.
Kettlebell Base
If you intend to do any movements that use the kettlebell as a ground fixture like renegade rows, handstands, or mounted pistol squats, you will want a kettlebell with a completely flat bottom. This shouldn’t be an issue with a reputable kettlebell brand, but some of the cheap brands don’t sit flush on the ground; rather they wobble about. If you buy from a brick and mortar store, check for this. If you’re not sure of an item you see online, read the reviews.
Kettlebell Surface Finishes
There are a few different finishes available for kettlebells. The main options you’ll run into is enamel, vinyl, powder coating, and bare steel. Black powder coating is what the nicer basic kettlebells (like those from Rogue) will have. It’s a great finish for grip; both with and without chalk.
Bare steel is what the competition kettlebell handles will have, and it happens to be my own personal preference. Enamel is ok, but vinyl coating is not really recommended and is most commonly found on the lesser quality brands. The kettlebell on the left in the above picture is a CAP. It’s very shiny and cute, but it’s junk.
Stated Weight
A large problem with the mega equipment companies that import cheap kettlebells, weight plates, and dumbbells into the States is the inaccuracy of their products in terms of stated weight. I’ve heard of CAP dumbbells and weight plates that were off by pounds. Not grams and not even ounces; pounds! I’ve had cheap bars and plates myself that were as much as 10-12% off stated weight. It’s ridiculous.
Owning equipment that deviates so far from the stated weight may be fine if you’re a novice dealing with only 5- and 10-lb weight plates. So what if they’re 8 ounces off, right? I assume you care about your training though, and if you rep a 24 kilo kettlebell you would likely want to know that it was 24 kilos and not just 21 kilograms. Stick with reputable companies if you care; buy garbage if you don’t.
Some Suggested Kettlebell Brands

Here is a listing of kettlebell brands that you can trust without having to worry about any of the above-mentioned issues. All of these manufacturers offer accurate, seamless, and well-balanced kettlebells. No seams, no welds, no bullshit.
Vulcan Training Kettlebells
Vulcan’s Training Kettlebells are unique for a couple reasons. For starters, they are steel rather than cast iron, which means they are of a higher quality and more evenly balanced. Secondly, like competition kettlebells, they are all uniform in size regardless of weight. This uniformity allows for quick and easy progression between weights, and it also means you can get both hands in even the lightest of kettlebells.When you get right down to it, the Vulcan Trainers more closely resemble comp kettlebells than other training bells. You get just about all of the advantages of competition kettlebells – only no color scheme, but a more reasonable price. They are powder-coated, have a height of about 11″, a diameter of 8.2″, and the handles are 35 mm in diameter. They are available in 4 kg increments from 8 kg to 32 kg. Winner winner.
The Vulcan Trainers have a perfect 5-star rating (based on 44 reviews – and counting.)
Onnit Chip-Resistant Kettlebells
Onnit is one of the bigger kettlebell players in the fitness industry, and kettlebells are Onnit’s primary training implement at the Onnit Academy in Austin, TX. In other words, to say Onnit knows kettlebells in an understatement.

Onnit’s new line of Chip-Resistant Kettlebells are a balance of economy and performance. They use the same casting design that they’ve been using successfully for some time now, but the new finish is a chip-resistant coating that stays grippy for longer without irritating the hands. Handle clearance still allows for optimal bone stacking in snatch and press lifts, and the obtuse shape of the handle is great for work gripping the horns.

Onnit also has what I have to assume is the largest selection of high-quality but silly shaped kettlebells; including licensed kettlebells from big franchises like Marvel and Star Wars. Yes these are functional kettlebells, but I can’t help thinking of them as novelties. Check ’em.
Rogue Kettlebells & Monster Kettlebells
Rogue’s Kettlebells are also very nice and consistent kettlebells. They too are finished in a black powder coat save for the colored stripe around the base of the handles (for quick and easy weight identification). They are offered in 17 different sizes/weights ranging from 9-lbs to a massive 203-lbs (approx 4-92 kg).Rogue uses high quality ores rather than scrap irons, and their finishing process leaves a seamless, smooth surface that is free of defects. They are one-piece castings with a wide, flat base and the powder coat holds chalk very well. These are both functional, classy, high quality kettlebells, and they sell for very reasonable prices (starting at $22.)
American Barbell Pro Kettlebells
American Barbell Dettlebells are colored coded around the base of the handles just like the Rogue kettlebells. They are cast iron with a textured, chip-resistant surface that works well with pr without chalk, and a large, flat base for extra stability and ground clearance during swings. They also sport the American Barbell logo; easily the coolest logo in the industry.These are sold in kilograms (2-48 kilograms), but the weight in both kilograms and pounds is etched into the backside of each kettlebell so you get the best of both worlds. Prices start at $22, and they are pretty consistent with Rogue pricing. It’s a wash between the two.
Vulcan Absolute Kettlebells
Vulcan Strength is one of the leading sponsors of the sport of Kettlebell Lifting, and they are serious about their kettlebells. The Absolute Comp Kettlebells are proof of that. Rather than pumping out just another kettlebell and then having a price war with everyone else, Vulcan puts some serious time and effort into the R&D of their Absolute kettles. The Absolutes are made entirely with high quality steel. They are guaranteed to not crack or dent for life, they won’t as easily as painted kettlebells, and there are no toxic chemicals used as either fillers or in the powder coat finish. I have a couple of these Absolutes and they are the bomb.

Vulcan publishes a lot of technical information about these kettlebells on their product page; much more than I can fit here. If you’re serious about the quality and performance of your competition kettlebells, this is definitely a unit you should look into and read more about.
Like the Vulcan’s Training Kettlebells, these have a flawless 5-star user rating.
Rogue Competition Kettlebells
The upgrade to Rogue’s standard kettlebells, Rogue Comp Kettlebells are available from 8kg to 48kg, and all kettlebells share the same base diameter (5½”), height (11.1″), and handle diameter (33mm). This allows for smooth transitions when moving up with weight.

Rogue’s comp kettlebells have a smooth, blemish-free surface with a matte black powder coated finish and four, specially contoured flats; which reduce friction and discomfort during overhead presses, cleans, and snatches. Rogue also included the color-coded bands.
Prices range from about $48 (8 kg) up to about $300 (48 kg), so they are much more of an investment than non-competition kettlebells. Like the American Barbell kettlebells, Rogue included the weight in both pounds and kilograms on the backside of the bell.
Ader Pro Grade Kettlebells
These are old school versions of the competition kettlebell. With so many other high-quality options out there with tons of thought having gone into the design and handle shape, these have fallen out of favor. That said, if you’re old school and want classic-shaped competition bells, Ader is still an option.
Thompson Fatbells

Brand new and already a huge hit, these weighted fist bells are the brain-child of powerlifter Donnie Thompson, and man are they badass. They are called Fatbells, and as you can see the handle has been moved into the bell itself as a way to balance out the implement. The result, as Donnie explains it himself, is the “perfect geometric shape for maximizing optimal performance,” as your hand and the Fatbell essentially act as one. The center mass design allows athletes to improve the efficiency and balance of every press while also reducing the common kettlebell safety risks.
Thompson Fatbells are available in 15 different weights and sizes ranging from 9-pounds to 150-pounds (good luck with that). Prices range from $24 to $195 plus shipping. Look at the product page for individual sizes, measurements, and various applications.
Even as a brand new item the product page is already piling up with positive reviews, and many weights and sizes are frequently out of stock because of their popularity. You might have to request in-stock notifications to catch certain sizes, but they’re worth the wait. Very cool product.
Some Honorable Mentions:
RKC Dragon Door Russian Kettlebells – Very popular kettlebells. The RKC Dragons are slightly more expensive than the Rogue’s, but some people swear by them. They’re one of the few quality kettlebells available for sale on Amazon, which means often times there are deals on shipping for Prime members.
Ader Kettlebells – These are the non-competition Ader’s. Another popular option for basic kettlebells. They are solid, reliable, no frills kettles. These can be found from many retailers and are available in sets with free shipping from Rogue.
Kettlebell Guide – Final Thoughts
There are tons of kettlebells on the market. Many more than I can review here. However, I am confident that I have given you enough information to make an informed decision when shopping for kettlebells.
There are also fun-shaped kettlebells. Those where the hull is not ball, but rather is cast to be a zombie, demon, clown, or even Boba Fett. These are neat, but check for all the same things that you would with a standard kettle. Also, some of those custom kettles have very sharp features, so be careful with them.

If you made it this far down the post, it must have been helpful? Please consider giving a like or a share to your preferred social media site. You may also want to check out the Onnit Kettlebell Resource page for all things kettlebells.

Awesome write up! Exactly what I was looking for!!!! Thanks!
Great information for the beginning kettlebell user as my gym has a has a bunch of different brands.
Great info, exactly what I was looking for, thanks so much! Can you tell me more about the Ader Pro Grade Kettlebells vs. Vulcan Competition Kettlebells? I hear the Ader handles are a little rough. Many thanks!
Yeah Brian, I’ve heard that as well about Ader comps, but I don’t really think there will be a huge difference in overall feel between the two. Both are popular and both are made well. Vulcan is pretty serious about kettlebell training though, and it looks like they may have slightly better quality control after casting, so that’s definitely worth something. The issue with Vulcan is finding stuff in stock!
jburgeson, the new Vulcan line should be in stock in February 2015. I sincerely hope it’s worth the wait! Thanks again for the info.
That’s quite the wait!
Great article. I am a 43 year old male with slightly above average strength. I used to do Crossfit. I really liked it but would rather pursue my own programming in my basement. I am looking for 3 kettlebells to satisfy my needs. What 3 sizes do you recommend to get me started?
You’d probably get a different answer to this no matter who you asked. I’ve always been told that a man should start with at least one 24 kg kettlebell. If you’re starting with three, the other two should be whatever you know you can handle based on your past experience with CrossFit. You can either buy two other different weights, or a pair if you have any movements that require a pair in mind.
My kettlebell training is pretty limited, and my personal collection is quite the hodge podge. Maybe someone else will chime in on this.
Thanks. This is a helpful start.
Hello. Thanks for the great write up. Any thoughts about the kettlebellsusa.com Matrixx elite line? I’m deciding between these and the Roque brand and the shipping is a little less for me from Kettlebells USA but not sure of the quality. Thanks.
I don’t know anything about those guys, but they look fine to me. You may just want to ask and make sure there isn’t any flashing on the handle. Kettlebells aren’t really a high-precision piece of equipment, but when they’re cheap, you have to file down that flashing yourself which of course pulls off the finish.
I disagree with your assessment of Cap brand kettlebells. I’ve used them for years and I have no complaints, in fact they are the same as the original dragondoor brand. I’ve never had one break on me, the handles are smooth, the finish is durable and the weights are accurate. Most importantly they are very reasonably priced ($62 dollars and free shipping from Walmart for a 50 pound KB).
Fair enough =p
CAP has made small improvements to some of their product line in the last year, at least for their top tier stuff. Generally that stuff isn’t the Wal-Mart/sporting goods store stuff though, but hey, maybe they’re coming around. I personally have never owned a CAP product that was within 5% of the claimed weight, and I personally wouldn’t buy CAP over a more reputable brand, but obviously someone is buying it because they are still in business. To each his/her own.
My CAP bell (which I like to use outdoors in the sun) has a finish or enamel that is melting and in my search for the phone number for the company (that I cannot find) there are many articles and posts stating that the materials used on these bells is indeed toxic. Sometimes its worth paying premium prices for premium products! :-/
Even the high end bells finish is probably toxic as well.. They are all made in China! And of course they don’t have any standards over there, can’t believe there are not more made here in the USA..
Did you previously review and recommend the onefitwonder kettle bells? If so, has your assessment of those changed?
I did, the links were broken for a while so I removed them temporarily. I try not to 404 people, it’s annoying. There were so many that it was easier to cut complete sections in a hurry, but I saved them all and should have everything back to normal Monday. Sorry about that. OFW kettles are good kettles btw =P
Thanks! I keep waffling about which set to buy – OFW/Ader/Rogue. OFW is the cheaper set, so I think I will go with those.
excellent write up. thanks for the info. going with Vulcan
Best buying guide for Kettlebells by far. I just went online and purchased a 20KG Vulcan to start off my training.
Thanks again!
Thanks! Good luck =)
great write up, gave me plenty of info to make my first purchase.
I bought 2 13 pound rogue KB’s to get started. they are light but work for getting into the routines.
based on your review here I also bought 1 Vulcan 12Kg KB. sadly it arrived damaged from shipment. when I emailed them they were basically like it happens and use a sharpie to fix the damage. I didnt like that but dealt with it. then when I went to purchase a second 12Kg I noticed that the picture on the website is different than the product I received. I was not happy about this and emailed back and got a RMA and will be sending it back. I didnt like feeling like a bait and switch. so if you liked the logo on their KB be warned that this is not how your KB will arrive.
ok so with that I now have a question.
being a non athletic 51 year old who always had trouble with dumbbells I love the way I can work with KB’s
I am having trouble with my next decision.
I found a sweet deal on a pro grade competition 12Kg KB from Kettlebells USA that would actually cost less than 2 12KG rogues and would like to go that way
the question is is it reasonable to assume that I do all the same exercises with the competition KB including renegade rows as I could with Rogues 12Kg “fitness KB?
I like the shape, look, material and the fact that the size of the KB never changes when it gets heavier of the comp type over the fitness type.
Thanks for your reviews of the products it is very helpful and thank you in advance for any help you may provide to my questions
whats you
Yeah you can do all the same movements. Comp kettles are nice, but unlike barbells, there is really only so much to do with a kettlebell to make it better so not everyone wants to pay more for them. They’re fine though, and I’ve not heard anything bad about Kettle USA.
Also, it does suck to receive something that got damaged in transit. If it’s just cosmetic damage, it’s annoying, but not the end of the world because if you use the thing, it’ll get dinged up anyway. However, not receiving the same product in the picture is pretty bad. I can’t imagine what the reasoning behind that is. I may have to ask them about that; hopefully it’s an oversight due to the recent site updates.
I went back to Vulcan and they have no pictures currently of their KB’s. I guess they are updating their site.
Yeah they’ve been working on it. Plus I think the new kettlebells are coming soon so maybe that has something to do with it as well
I ended up with the Comp Classic from Kettlebell USA. its nice but very big. I knew going in that it would be bigger and understand that the size of comps will never change no matter the weight.
While its a great Kettlebell I feel I should work up to the comp style.
Sadly KB USA doesnt have a return/Exchange policy unless there is a manufacturing defect or damage in shipping its yours.
I feel a beginner should start with a regular style KB after getting my mitts on the comp.
I am using my comp KB now as it is all I have but an definitely going to get a regular one
I have narrowed it down to 2 choices one is a 30 pound from KB USA and the other is the 35 pound from Rouge
would recommend
per the owner of the company the difference between their classic line and Elite
“Classic have thicker handles. Elite have slightly thinner handles and a smoother e-coat.”
Price wise the Rogue 35 pounder (16Kg) makes more sense
the KB USA KB at 14Kg is plus 35 bucks shipping…just under a C note
the Rogue would be $65 bucks shipped
its tough when you cant put your hands on something before you buy
I think the KB USA is smoother which might mean its easier on the hands for prolonged snatches but also slippery. I know the rogue is sort of rough but not uncomfortable. it actually feels nice not too rough not too smooth.
what do you think?
Slippery is bad. That’s a lot of money to not be sure you’ll like it. Rogue does have their finish down. I also wish that Vulcan would get their new ones in stock; they look really nice. Also, I know the Vulcan guy is just as serious about kettlebells as he is bars. I believe the previous models were certified by whoever certifies such things lol, not sure on the new ones. I dunno, if you hated the Rogue’s they’d probably take it back so you’d be out nothing but the shipping. Seems better to try that first. Did you look at Eleiko? They lowered the cost of theirs significantly on their own site to be competitive. Haven’t seen one yet though.
I should amend my initial statement….I bought the 13 pound KB’s not to get into kettlebells but to improve my bowling swing. I have not bowled in 30 years and recently got back into it but was having difficulties with the back and forward swings. It dramatically helped and I then began began looking into the implementation of them as an exercise tool. even the 13 pounds help a lot as in a KB routine but obviously 2 light.
secondly Slippery was the wrong word….the Vulcan was really really smooth, not slippery but really smooth and it was “ok” but the Rogue just has the best of both worlds roughly smooth…lol
I may have glanced at the Eleiko but I’ll take a better look.
what is it about them you like?
Rogue is probably the way to go either way.
thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.
Damn Dude..ya just threw a wrench in the works
The Eleiko is nice.
Not too much info on the page though…double molded for texture but is it a once piece design?
they look nice and I like the reputation of the company. this is no fly by night dealer….
73 for a 16 Kg delivered and 66 for the 14KG
both fairly cheap without the shipping 43 (16Kg) 39 (14Kg)
have you had your hands on them?
Where are they made?
Yeah I don’t know much more than you do. They tried to send me some to sample a while back; I guess I shoulda took them lol. I wouldn’t expect them to be much different than anyone else’s; it’s not really their specialty. Having said that, I don’t think you have to worry about them sucking either. I doubt very much that they are made in Sweden though; price is too low I think.
the Eleiko’s look like the ears are a lot more separated and further down on the ball than all others…how does that affect balance and swing?
I went with a 14KG Black Iron KB from Eleiko.
I just got it this morning and I am happy I went this way. Customer service is top notch. I had a few communications with Jessica from customer service via email and she was very helpful and quick to respond.
as for the KB…its feel is somewhere between the Rogue and Vulcan. not too rough and not silky smooth.its got a nice medieval vibe to it.
its not 100% flat on the bottom as compared to the 8Kg Rogue and the 12 Kg Comp from Kettlebell USA and I have emailed them about it just to make sure. its got a slight rock to it back and forth( brand name front) but not side to side.
when using this for renegade rows I’d use the comp KB for stability and pump the Eleiko so I really dont think its a bog deal but I am curious for what they will say.
I work with heavy metal and have various to0ls and sanders that I feel confident I can smooth it out if I have to
anyway, again thanks for the info and your reply’s it has been most helpful
Another great article jb. Thanks again.
My buddy who got me into lifting back in the day heard I was building a home gym and sent me something in the mail. It was in a heavy compact box and I didn’t know what to expect. Turns out it was a kettle bell! He swears that this is the way to go for a home gym with limited space (which is what I am currently working with). I still don’t know too many movements but have been enjoying kb swings and deadlifts and am working up to using it for Turkish getups.
It’s one of the Onnit kettle bells from the Primal series, meaning it is shaped like a monkey face. It’s pretty badass looking and despite the detailed sculpture there are no pointy edges to worry about and the kettle bell itself feels really balanced and quality. The surface sounds like the “rough smooth” that Chris was describing earlier and the handle is fatter than normal which I happen to like. Anyways, I don’t have experience with other kettle bells but it seems like it is very high quality.
Do you have any experience with Onnit in general? They seem to have a lot of interesting fitness gear, although their selection is definitely a bit eccentric/unique. My guess is you didn’t include them here because the price per lb is higher than you would see on a non-sculptured kettle bell, but I am wondering how their products are received generally in the fitness world given my positive experience.
Yeah I don’t know the first thing about them. I briefly mentioned the existence of the demon and clown style kettlebells, but I never seriously considered listing any of them here. I never even looked at the pricing compared to standard-style kettlebells. Just seemed like more of a fun, gimmicky kind of thing… like battle hammers.
I’m really enjoying this site. I’ve recently started putting together a home home gym(from scratch, building the actual building).
Have you looked at onnit products? particularly their primal bells.
Admittedly these are just aesthetic but they can make a gym look pretty cool.
I’ve looked at their whole product line actually; I’m in the same city as they’re located. I’ve got a note to take another look and see if any sticks out as particularly interesting or useful.
I opted not to get overly specific with the animal/demon shaped kettlebells in this article though as they ultimately are a novelty. I’m thinking that having a kettlebell that you wouldn’t use for all movements isn’t the best kettlebell to buy. But yes, you’re right, they are cool looking and they could make the gym pop a little.
Having a dedicated free-standing building for a gym is a pretty cool situation btw. Congratulations on that.
I think as long as you grab the kb so that the “face” is facing forward at the starting position they perform no differently than regular kettlebells since the other side is round and smooth and is what comes in contact with your arm in the rack position. Maybe there’s some movements I’m not thinking of though, so please correct me if I’m overlooking something.
Have you ever looked at any of the adjustable kb options? Most of them seem too light to really matter and the ones that get heavy seem to get awkward due to unconventional shape/size. The iron master one intrigues me since it would use the same plates/locks as their adjustable dumbells, which are on my wish list. Here’s a pretty solid review that goes into detail about how they stack up to normal kb.
The gist of it is he was really pleased at first, but eventually wound up preferring regular kettlebells as time progressed. If cost were a factor though, would you go with their adjustable kb?
You could be right about that, I’m not exactly sure.
You know I’ve never actually seen that IM kettlebell up close, so I’m not sure if I’d go that route. I may have to check one of those out at some point and see how well it stays together at heavy weights. I say heavy because unless you need multiple heavy weights there really is no point in even considering it. Light kbs just don’t cost that much. I’d be more inclined to consider it if I already owned their dumbbell system, which I do like.
I have been looking hard at kettlebells… I personally don’t like the finish on the OFW kettlebells. I like the American Barbell kettlebells, but they cost a small fortune to ship really putting them out of the running.
My favorite two right now without touching a kettlebell are the VF Precision by World Kettlebell and the Rogue competition Kettlebells. I am not sure if I want to spend that much money on kettlebells, I would need to get a fairly decent range to cover my wife and myself. One or two, I’d probably be on those VF’s for sure…
The Kettlebell kings powdercoat or Ecoat bells look attractive at their price and ship for free… HUGE plus since some of the shipping quotes I have gotten have been just as much as the set of weights… Anybody have a view on kettlebell kings? Should I just man up for the premiums as a long term investment? Any bells on sale! I WANT to add a GHD and some sort of cardio device so we can sub running when we need to (not a treadmill) Probably a bike and/or rower. Dumbells are last on my list, I might not ever get a set, last set I had when I had a home gym collected dust and we rarely used them at the box I went to.
Kinda in the same boat as Nick but looking at the OFW and Rogue due to prohibitive shipping for AB and higher price of vulcan and those VFs he mentioned. Also, Vulcan and Vf appear to have the more “comp” style shape and I’ve read some complaints about two-handed swings feeling cramped due to the narrower handle shape.
Between OFW and Rogue, do you have a preference or are they pretty much a wash?
Taking a break from SS and trying S&S (so many S’s), so going to need a few heavier bells soon.
VF’s have a much smaller gap than the Vulcan’s… I don’t think put those two in the same category. The Training Vulcan’s are more like comp kettles though, you’re right about that – almost the same size exactly, maybe 1/5 of an inch shorter.
I get it that Vulcan charges more for kettlebells, but for what it’s worth, I would read into their product descriptions before you defer to Rogue or OFW. Vulcan holds some patents on kettlebells because they actually design their own, and the owner is an avid supporter of the sport. If the price is still unjustifiable to you, I’d say Rogue puts out a nicer, more refined product. Truth be told, I’m kind of losing my interest in Fringe products – I think they’re moving backwards rather than forward.
Definitely something to think about. I’ll take another look at Vulcan for sure, definitely a brand I’d like to support. My general feeling though was a kettle bell is a kettle bell as long as there is no seam, weight is accurate and balanced, and the finish isn’t terrible. A $30 price difference adds up quite a bit over time, especially if you end up getting 3 or more kettle bells.
Thanks as always for the excellent content and advice.
Didn’t realize Vulcan will ship for free to my location. Definitely closes the margins a bit (closer to $20). Just an FYI for those considering similar options.
I got a full set of GET RXD Premium kettle bells shipped free with my Xebex rower, I got a great deal shipping to my business and not getting the “Free” stuff packaged with it.
I will get VF’s in some sizes in the future.
Nick have you used a Concept2 with any frequency? I’d be curious what your thoughts on the Xebex monitor is compared to the Concept PM monitor.
I like the xebex rower better, the concept 2 monitor has more functions, but the Xebex rower does everything I need it to do. The Xebex monitor is bigger and easier to read but if you like all the stuff the PM5 does…
I’d put the Xebex Rower up there with the C2 E’s.
I didn’t pay anywhere near the price listed on the website for the Xebex Rower, plus I got a womens Oly Bar and kettlebells shipped for free with it.
They must make a pretty penny off those Xebex products – they are pushing the hell out of them. Lots’s of freebie stuff too. Glad it’s working out though. Thanks
I am not sure what they make on it, but they cut me a great deal IMO on the rower. It is NICE and well made. I don’t have any gripes. Customer service is TOP NOTCH also. I cut a deal because I didn’t need or want their free stuff and they just took that off my total… maybe a little more, plus gave me a % off all Ret RXD products and free shipping. I will probably pick up the bike sooner or later, but I want a GHD first.
Looking for my next kb – want to try rogue or kb kings (their powder coat bells). At my location, the kb king bells are about $20 more than the rogues. Do you think they are $20 better? Or should I save a few bucks and go rogue.
Nah, the differences in kettlebells for the average person are subtle when talking about any of the higher-end models. $20 per kettlebell is a lot to pay for minor differences, unless you’re just super hardcore about kettlebell training.
AB has a pretty hefty discount on their Rubber Coated KB’s. Have you had any experience with those? I’ve never used a rubber coated KB. The pic looks like the handle is not coated, but… not too sure. That seems to be a very good price.
I actually have not, no. You wouldn’t want rubber on the handles for sure though, it would be extremely slippery. I doubt that these are anything special, but if the price is good enough and they’ll get the job done, then by all means.
It’s almost 2017… still good information!
From a price point perspective REP Fitness seems to have a slight advantage on KB. What are your thoughts re: quality of REP Fitness product line, as I am in adding to my garage gym. Thanks in advance… your reviews are always helpful!
Rep’s kettlebells are fine. They’re basically the same as Rogue’s. They may not be as nice as the Vulcan’s or KK’s, but they are certainly a nicer unit than a CAP, FS, or other box-store kettlebell. Be sure and compare prices after adding in shipping prices btw, as REP doesn’t build shipping into the price like many of the other vendors do.
Hi. Wht are your thoughts on the titan kettlebells. Way cheaper than fringe or rogue. I have their t3 rack which is prettygood. How are their kbs?
Titan is always a ‘buy at your own risk’ brand as far as I’m concerned. They make pretty cheap stuff, and QC is notoriously meh considering that it’s all lowest-bidder imports. If you just need a semi-accurate piece of cast iron to toss around, then by all means grab Titan kettlebells. Don’t go this route if you’re even remotely serious about training with kettlebells though. You can’t build a mixed set with Titan KB’s because they don’t even follow the normal weight structure.
Is there any competition kettlebell made in the USA and not that dreaded china
I’m looking at the kettlebell kings and the Vulcan but they don’t specify where
they’re made.
To my knowledge, no. You can buy kettlebells from Eleiko – they have a US retail site – but I’m pretty sure those are just as Chinese as the rest of them. They just can’t be manufactured here at a price point that would be even remotely competitive, so no one bothers. Not even Rogue, who will always have US manufacturing when possible. Being imported doesn’t by default make them junk though.
Thanks for the great introduction into kettlebells! Now I know, what to look at, when I go out to buy them. Great!
I bought Kettlebell Kings based on your review and love them! Awesome bells and super fast, free shipping!
Awesome. They do good work all around!
What do you think about the kettlebells sold on strongfirst.com?
I actually don’t know anything about those.
A StrongFirst instructor told me she liked the new Perform Better kettlebells because they have a wider flat base for more stability for movements like Renegade Rows. Haven’t used them myself though.
Any thoughts on Vulcan Absolute vs Training kettle bells? If you had to pick just one of these, and why? Still trying to decide which handle would be better between the unpainted steel Competition and the painted powder-coated one of the Training. Thanks!
I personally like the raw steel, but there is absolutely nothing (no pun intended) wrong with powder coat on kettlebells. You’re looking at a good grip either way.
I say going with Trainers is fine if Vulcan offers all the sizes you need. I believe the Absolutes are still available in more sizes. Inventory may kind of dictate which to go with though, as Absolutes appear to be mostly out of stock.
Thank you!
I was hoping to get your opinion on Rogue e coat kettlebells. First of all I like that they’re made in the USA in Michigan. They look a little shiny but they are single cast. There are too many finishes, cerakote, powder coat , rubber coat and e coat forme to figure out.
I agree that the made-in-USA feature is an appealing one. Hard to find an American-made kettlebell, and from a production standpoint a single-cast is the way to go.
I have not managed to get my hands on an e-coat kettlebell yet. I’m not the biggest fan of that particular finish on a barbell shaft, but it could prove to be decent on something like a kettlebell. I think raw steel is the best feeling on a kettlebell handle, followed by a solid, matte powder-coat, and then Cerakote. Rubber is definitely too slick.
Maybe by the time these things are actually in stock again some reviews will surface addressing the feel of that finish on a kb.
I ordered a 26, 35 and 53 and I hope they are here next week. The USA made alone made me buy them. I am sure (hoping) they will work great.
6 years later and this content is still reliable! Thanks for a great write up of different kettlebells :)