If you’re looking to add a Glute Ham Developer (GHD) to your home or garage gym, that’s great! The GHD is an fantastic piece of equipment to have in your arsenal, as owning one opens the door to many important exercises that are difficult to replicate without either the glute ham developer or the various commercial hamstring machines.
In this article, I’ll talk about what these GHD exercises are and why they are important. I’ll then take a close look at many of the available GHDs on the market so you can see what options exist, and how they differ in terms of both features and price. I suppose you could consider this a GHD Review of sorts.
Finally, I’ll add videos at the end of this guide so folks who are new to the whole GHD scene can see some of these movements in action.
Last updated January 2018 – price and link verification.
GHD Review Table of Contents
Why Own a Glute Ham Developer?
I’m probably not telling you anything you don’t already know, but the glute ham developer is hands down one of the best tools for developing the posterior chain, building strong glutes, and promoting core-to-extremity power. It’s also one of the few efficient ways to isolate and really get at your hamstrings outside of a commercial gym setting (leg curls are complicated to pull off without a machine, after all.)
The main exercises you would typically perform on a GHD are the glute/ham raise, hip and back extensions, GHD sit-ups, and Russian twists. The videos I’ve included at the end of this article demonstrate some of these movements; for those of you who are unfamiliar.
GHD Review & Shopping Guide
Below I’ll show you a series of different Glute Ham Developers from a number of different manufacturers. Seeing specs and prices for more than just a couple units will allow you to get a much clearer picture of how features and price can vary from model to model. Ideally this will help you pin point the GHD that will best serve your needs and your budget.
If for no other reason to have some kind of structure, I’ll start with the more expensive units and work down to the least expensive. As is typical of Garage-Gyms, I don’t include any of the garbage units; the stuff I wouldn’t even use if it was free. Quality and safety is important. There are no $100 Wal-Mart or Academy-grade GHDs in this list.
Rogue Monster Swing-Arm Commercial GHD
The Rogue Monster Swing-Arm GHD is a commercial-quality Glute Ham Developer. It’s the most expensive GHD I’ll discuss in this article, and it’s easily the most badass as well. Right now this bench retails for $1395 and has a 3-6 week lead time.
Let me first say that I realize this GHD is overkill for personal, home gym use, and I’m not actually suggesting that anyone should spend this kind of money for a home gym GHD. I do however think that this unit is too cool to not bring up. I won’t go overboard talking about it, but I will share a few of the unique aspects of this GHD that make it so cool.
The Monster GHD has two step-up decks to make getting into position less of a chore, and a redesigned, fully adjustable rear foot-rest with a larger plate than is typical of the standard models. Additionally, there is an easy-to-use handle (the swing arm) at the base of the unit that allows you to quickly position the foot plate back/forward to meet almost any workout requirement. The foot plate can be moved vertically as well.
Rogue also redesigned the frame base for this GHD. The long triangular shape combined with the total weight of the unit itself will make this GHD very stable for both tall and heavy athletes whether you decide to anchor it down or not. Also, Rogue knows not to go small on the pads – big, beefy double pads are the best when it comes to comfort. Overall this GHD is a tank, but as you can see it is very pricey.
Rogue Swing Arm GHD: L 62″x W 34″x H 50″, 11-gauge steel, 250-lbs, black, Made-to-order in USA, $1395.
York ST Commercial Glute Ham Developer
The York ST Glute Ham Developer is another commercial-grade machine, so it’s still on the high end of price spectrum. That said, it does have some features that help to make up for the higher price; the biggest of which is the multitude of adjustments that can be made to fit your height, shape, and exercise of choice. Rather than the foot plate just moving back and forth a dozen or so notches as most GHD’s do, the York ST can be moved front to back for 29 different positions. Additionally, the front rollers for your thighs and the foot plate can be moved vertically and independently of one another. All these adjustments make for a whole bunch of positions.
I like this GHD for the most part. It has a long, sturdy base, rubber feet, and thick pads and rollers. The foot plate is of a respectable size, and the different positions have laser etched numbers so you don’t have to count holes. There are some complaints of the roller pads not going the distance, but it’s not a widespread complaint. It is also a bit on the expensive side, and there are a lot of less costly options out there these days. Also, no band pegs.
It is worth pointing out that the York ST Glute Ham Developer is very similar to the Hammer Strength Commercial GHD in the sense that it offers a similar feel and experience. Clearly they do not look the same, but they both have the roller wheels instead of a fixed pad (very uncommon), and they both have a lot of variability for different body sizes and builds. The Hammer Strength is clearly over-engineered, while the York is significantly less costly and takes up less total space.

The York ST retails for $839 but sometimes it can be found on Amazon for less cash (be sure and check the various sellers at Amazon as they don’t always show you the lowest priced seller by default). Of course you can always pick one up from Rogue at MSRP.
York ST GHD: 68″x W 30″x H 46″, 11-gauge steel, 102 pounds, white or silver, Made in USA, MSRP $839.
Legend Standard 3130-S Split Pad GHD
The Legend Fitness 3130-S GHD is a great piece of equipment. One of the best features is simply that fact that it’s a Legend product. Legend makes incredibly durable, reliable, great looking commercial fitness equipment that comes in just about any color combination that you can imagine. I personally own a Legend Fitness bench, and while waiting for the bench to arrive was a test in patience, it is a bench that’ll never need to be replaced.
So first of all, the colors. There are now almost 30 frame colors and something like 86 fabric colors to choose from. I’m sure that works out to thousands and thousands of possible color combinations. You don’t just get to choose the colors, you must choose them as all Legend products are made-to-order. I’m boring, I did black on black.
As far as the features go, this Glute Ham Developer has a well constructed “man-friendly” split pad, adjustments that allow the foot plate to be moved both vertically and front to back, and a very large diamond plate foot plate. It also has the much-desired pegs for resistance band training. The only thing that may be of concern is the lack of a wide footprint and lack of optional anchor holes for extra stability. Additionally, the price is a bit above average at $809 before shipping.
Just FYI, there is variation of this GHD out there called the 3130, but with no -S. That model has a single piece pad with no split. I can’t imagine why you would want that version unless you’re a woman who never intends to share her GHD. Get the split pad.
Legend 3130-S GHD Review: 66″x W 24″x H 47″, 11-gauge 3×3 steel, 263-lbs, Made in USA, MSRP ~$809.
Rogue Abrams Glute Ham Developer 2.0
When it comes to building completely badass GHDs, Rogue Fitness has definitely taken the gold. Between the Monster Swing Arm GHD that I discussed already and the new Abrams GHD 2.0 here, I believe that it’s safe to say that no other manufacturer has created a Glute Ham Developer that compares in terms of versatility, ease of use, and coolness factor.
The Abrams 2.0 has just about everything you’d want in a GHD; a wide, triangular base and single-piece chassis that is much more stable under intense use; convenient wheels for moving it around your gym with ease; 10 quick and easy front-to-back adjustment settings for the foot plate and foot rollers; vertical plate adjustments in 1″ increments; holes for 5/8″ Rogue Infinity resistance band pegs; and finally super beefy, super comfortable double pad.
Other than the $1395 Monster Swing-Arm GHD, the Abrams is easily the most impressive GHD on this page. Is it worth the $695 asking price though? Well that depends on you and your size, weight, goals, and how many years you expect your GHD to last. Do you care about easy adjustments? Do you care about stability? Do you want to buy just one GHD in your lifetime, or numerous?
The Rogue Abrams 2.0 Glute Ham Developer is basically a commercial machine for slightly less money than GHDs offered by the standard commercial brands. It’s strong, has all the right bells and whistles, and can handle a commercial gym as easily as it handles a garage gym. It’s an end-game GHD, but keep reading – you have more options. [Abrams GHD 2.0 review]
Rogue Abrams 2.0 GHD: 73″x W 44″x H 48″, 11-gauge steel, 200 pounds, black, Made in USA, $695.
Sorinex M2 GHD
The Sorinex M2 was a very popular GHD back before everyone and their brother offered a GHD. The M2 is known to be stable; even with heavy athletes; and a lot of old school lifters really dig Sorinex because they listen to the customer and utilize feedback to improve their equipment. There has been more than one version of the M2 GHD because of the desire to make these changes.
This current version of the M2 isn’t all that different from its predecessor, but some mods were made. For instance, the frame is fully welded now rather than being bolted together, which adds some stability. Sorinex also added a plate horn for Olympic plates to weigh the unit down so that heavier users can get crazy intense and not worry about the unit moving. There are wheels now for easy transport, and the adjustments for the pads are on a tilting mechanism that speeds up the process of making adjustments.
As I mentioned, some things didn’t change. The M2 still has the same beefy, comfortable pads that it’s always had, the same high-quality foot rollers, and it still has band pegs for added resistance. Speaking of the beefy pads, those pads are so massive that it makes the overall GHD look smaller than it really is. Use the bumper plate for scale in the first picture; those pads are huge.
The Sorinex M2 Glute Ham Developer retails for $799 and can be purchased directly from Sorinex.
Sorinex M2 GHD: 66″x W 34″x H 50″, 11-gauge steel, 225-lbs, black, Made in USA, $799.
Vulcan Strength GHD
The Vulcan GHD is probably the perfect compromise between price and performance. For only $599 delivered, this GHD had all the features of a premium GHD including a wide base with wheels, a large split-pad, multiple adjustments, band-pegs, step-up plate and more. It’s an imported unit which is why it’s not even more expensive, but if you’re tight on funds and want a GHD in your box or gym that will last forever without spending close to a grand after shipping, the Vulcan Glute Ham is the way to go.

The Vulcan GHD is made with 2″x3″ steel, it has a lifetime warranty on the frame, anchor holes, and even has a slightly forward titling pad that is said to be beneficial – though I don’t understand that personally since the pad is just as round tilted as it is not tilted.
In any case, this is a solid GHD for a lot less cash than the Abrams or the commercial units likes Legend and Sorinex. And unlike the lesser models that can be had for closer to $300-$400, this one will actually accommodate heavy and tall athletes without feeling like its about to fall apart. It also has a perfect 5-star rating.
Vulcan Strength GHD: 67″x W 36″x H 50″, 12-gauge steel, 180-lbs, black, Imported, $599.
Rogue GH-1 GHD
The GH-1 Glute Ham Developer from Rogue is an economical consolidation of the original Abrams GHD, and the new Abrams. The GH-1 has the same wide-stance, triangular base, as the Abrams 2.0. It also has the same over-sized, dense foam pads and roller/foot plate system. What it doesn’t have is the swing-arm or vertical foot plate adjustments – and that saves you about $150.

Adjustments are made the classic way – pull a knob and then slide the foot plate forward or backward to accommodate athletes of different heights. The GH-1 is just as sturdy as the Abrams (if not more so without the swing-arm), offers optional wheels for easy mobility, and has the same band peg potential. It’s made with 2″x3″ 11-gauge steel as the Abrams 2.0 as well.
Being that the GH-1 is a bolt-together, you also save money on shipping (no LTL.) This is a great value, though the wheels are an additional $36.50, so with shipping you’re still looking at a moderately expensive unit.
Rogue GH-1 GHD: 68½”x W 45″x H 49″, 11-gauge steel, 195-lbs., black, Made in USA, $545.
OFW “Commercial” Glute Ham Developer
If you look at the majority of the GHDs on this page you’ll notice that they weigh about 200-pounds give or take, and they are all 11-gauge steel. The OFW model here weighs barely over 100 pounds. This is mostly because it’s made with cheap, light-duty steel, but the fact that it has such a small, narrow base also contributes to how light it is. The last thing that you want is a lightweight GHD with a narrow base. How sturdy does that sound to you?

This product does have mounting holes; which I would recommend that you use unless you only weigh 125-lbs or something. It also does ship for free, but this unit should sell for close to $350 shipped rather than $550. The warranty on the frame is only a year, and the pad is only 90-days. Based on the reviews you’ll wish pad warranty was longer though. Personally I don’t care for this GHD, nor do I recommend you drop anywhere near this kind of money for a piece of equipment like this.
End of the day, the OneFitWonder Commercial GHD is anything but commercial. Make no mistake about it, this is a box-store item with a misleading name and excessive price tag.
OFW Commercial GHD: 62½”x W 29″x H 44″, 14-gauge steel, 110-lbs., Made in China, $549.
Valor CB-29 Glute Ham Developer
As mid-range equipment goes. Valor has been known to be hit or miss. I’m not generally a big fan of Valor because they tend to use light-weight steel on the products that benefit the most from heavy-duty (and safer) 11-gauge steel. The Valor CB-29 is one such product.
The GHD is one of those products where all our body weight plus any additional weight we choose to use is being balanced on support beams about 2″ wide. When light-weight steel and light-duty hardware is used, these things shake and wobble like crazy. Now they aren’t typically put in a position where they would fail, but a little stability goes a long way on the GHD, and 11-gauge is far more stable than the 12- and 14-gauge steel that Valor favors.

Choice of steels aside, the Valor CB-29 does have most of the features you’d want from a GHD. It has a long base with wheels, band pegs, padded rollers, plate horn to help give the unit some more weight (which it definitely needs), and both horizontal and vertical foot plate adjustments. What it lacks is base width (for more stability) and large thigh pads. It’s also a little pricey for not being an 11-gauge unit.
I don’t think the Valor is the worst buy possible, but with an MSRP of $499 I think you’re too close to other feature-rich, 11-gauge units to stop here. That said, Amazon sometimes has this unit down closer to $450, which is better, but still not ideal for a 12- and 14-gauge GHD.
Valor Pro CB-29 GHD: 85″x W 30″x H 44″, 14-gauge steel, 117-lbs., Made in China, MSRP $499.
Titan Glute Ham Developer
The Titan GHD is a Chinese Abrams 2.0. The dimensions of the Titan are only moderately smaller than that of the Abrams, but this is mostly because Titan altered the frame to make shipping less expensive, and probably as a way to avoid patent violations as well. Some length of the frame is also lost because of Titan’s wheels. The Rogue wheels are set further back from the frame while being parallel to one another, whereas the Titan’s wheels are set inward, and are said to be mostly useless.

There are numerous other differences between these two GHDs that most people would never notice without physically examining both units. For instance, Titan uses smaller bolts for assembly, the rollers of the Titan will not spin, Titan’s foam is cheap and susceptible to deformation, and the upholstery work is meh. The Titan also uses plastic detent pins for the various adjustments that will likely break, and the method of attaching the two front legs is borderline dangerous when a lot of weight is involved (a side effect of cutting the base into smaller pieces.)
If you weigh 100-pounds and never intend to add resistance to your glute ham raises, and you only use the thing once or twice a week, then I’m sure you can make this knock-off last for a number of years. If you’re heavy and strong or you want to utilize resistance bands or hold plates while you use this machine, think twice about buying this.
I’m not going to get into it, but when people say the Titan GHD is a Rogue GHD for half the price, that’s just nonsense. Titan knows what they are doing when it comes to making box-store equipment look like hardcore equipment, but unlike Rogue products (and all the other companies they copy), Titan equipment is only designed to sell; not last.
Titan GHD: 70″x W 45½”x H 41″, 11-gauge scrap metal, 190-lbs., Made in China, $345.
Rep Fitness GHD

The Rep Fitness Glute Ham Raise is practically the same as the Vulcan GHD, if not exactly the same thing. Because of the way Rep Fitness charges shipping to customers but doesn’t inflate pricing to offset that shipping, it’s possible that if you live in a close enough region to Rep Fitness (Colorado) that you can get the Rep GHD shipped for less than the Vulcan. If you reside on the East or West Coast, you will pay more for the Rep than the Vulcan.
So I say this, but there is a 30-pound difference between the Vulcan and the Rep; leading me to believe that while the Rep is the same design, it may be lighter-gauge steel used. If anyone happens to have both of these side-by-side in their box, feel free to chime in.
Rep Fitness GHD: 70″x W 36″x H 42″, 12-gauge steel, 150-lbs, black, Imported, $599.
Rogue Echo Space-Saving GHD
The Rogue Echo GHD is designed to attach to your existing power rack or rig so that you don’t have to commit a massive amount of space to owning a GHD. The Echo GHD is also slightly cheaper than an economy standalone unit. When I first saw this, I didn’t see it being a big hit, but it’s racking up 5-star reviews faster than I ever expected. I suppose this model is a blessing for CrossFit boxes and garage gyms that are running out of real estate.

The Echo requires both a rack of some sort, and a plyometric box. There are two variations of the Echo GHD; one for the Infinity 2″x3″ line of power racks, and one for the Monster Lite 3″x3″ line of racks. Both versions start at $345 without the box. There are a lot of do’s and don’t and special circumstances to owning one of these, so rather than try and cover all of it here, I suggest just going to Rogue’s site and reading about it.
Rogue also just released a Floor Glute. It’s interesting, but not a true GHD; and it’s insanely expensive at $525. Take a look.

GHD Review Summary – Recommendations
It’s tough to make a long-distance recommendation for a Glute Ham Developer when there are so many quality models available, but I can say this: if you’re a exceptionally heavy or tall person, you may want to lean towards a model with a larger footprint and more welds than bolts so that you’ll feel more secure when intensity is up; something like the Abrams 2.0 with it’s 40″+ wide base (I included the footprints of each model for this reason).
If you want an especially stable unit but your budget doesn’t allow for a $699 GHD before shipping, consider the Vulcan GHD or even the Rogue GH-1. You can spend less obviously, but you start to sacrifice durability and stability when you do, so you need to consider how willing you are to buy another GHD in a few years.
At the end of the day, just think about which features you care about, which features don’t matter to you, and then work out your maximum budget. Aside from Titan and OFW, all of these GHDs are from reputable brands that; generally speaking; price their equipment accordingly and reasonably well for their specs. You’ll get years and years of use from all of these GHDs, and in some cases; a lifetime of use.
Q: Which Glute Ham Developer do you own?
A: Abrams 2.0 GHD; purchased used from ’14 CrossFit Games.
Q: Would you buy the Abrams again if you needed another GHD?
A: Yes, though I’d probably get a different model for the review. Vulcan maybe?
Q: If all GHDs on this page were $500, which would you buy?
A: The Rogue Swing-Arm obviously.
GHD Exercises
Here are some videos showing the most common exercises that can and should be done with your GHD. These videos are all from Rogue, and they are all being performed on the original Abrams GHD. Big thanks to Rogue for taking the time to make these videos.
If you’re new to the GHD, take the time to learn the correct form, and take it easy at first. Like any exercise, improper use can be dangerous. Keep in mind that the GHD puts a lot of emphasis on the core; specifically your lower back. I’m quite sure you don’t want any injuries to this region.
The Glute Ham Raise
Works the entire posterior chain: hamstrings, glutes, calves, and lower back. Resistance can be added via resistance bands or weight plates as needed.
GHD Sit-ups
Works the abdominals. This is an awesome full range of motion sit-up for advanced athletes.
Back Extensions
Works the lower back. Form is everything with this movement. Let Matt show you.
Hip Extensions
Works the lower back and glutes. Not to be confused with back extensions. Matt will clear this up.
That’s all folks! If you found this article helpful please share it on your favorite social media site, I absolutely appreciate it. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks for taking the time to post your reviews on gym equipment. I have consulted them before buying equipment for my garage gym. I was browsing my local used sporting goods store and saw a roman chair with the Gold’s Gym brand on it. The store was asking $50 for it. Would this be worth it, or should I hold off and buy the OFW GHD?
Hey Jeff. Gold’s Gym brand is some of the worst equipment out there. Additionally, you’re much better off with a true GHD. I would hold off it were me, maybe check back with the used store, check Craigslist and other classified ads, and so forth. Even if you feel like you could accomplish what you wanted with a Roman chair, I would still avoid Gold’s gear… their stuff is pretty crappy.
I have been looking at ghds lately. Have you seen the vulcan ghd for sale? 539 shipped … nice looking ghd. If i cant find a decent used one… i think i will order this ghd.
Hey JD, yeah I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve heard good things. The owner is a serious advocate of GHDs and wouldn’t sell a junky unit, and that price is very nice so I think you’d be pretty happy with it. GHDs aren’t the easiest piece to find used, but you never know, you may get lucky.
Thanks for another great comparison article!
How about the Get RXd GHD? Is it any good? They are available local to me at $400…
I’ve used it before. They have one at my WL gym. It’s fine, especially at that local pick-up price. I’m 6’4″ and found that it could have gone back like one more inch and been perfect, but that was for warm-up back extensions before training, not glute ham raises… and that’s what the thing is actually for anyway. I have a different one at home.
You have seemingly already thought of everything I’m working through and written about it.
What are your thoughts on the OFW Commercial unit vs their regular OFW GHD? Is the commercial worth the extra $150? I’m local to Fringe and have their OFW GHD on order but I’m thinking of upgrading to the Commercial unit.
Well, I personally would be willing to pay for bigger more comfortable pads and rollers, but not everyone cares. If you actually tried the Econ and didn’t find it uncomfortable and it didn’t move around too much, then it’s probably not worth the money for an upgrade. I’ve not seen the Econ personally though, just the commercial. I personally went with the Abrams, but I got a deal on one of the used Games models.
Hey there great review and guide for a GHD!
My budget isn’t big enough for a Rogue or something like that so i found this one at the Strengthshop https://www.strengthshopusa.com/glute-ham-developer.html
What do you think about it?
It doesn’t look like it has the same quality like a rogue but i think it will be fine for a homegym
I’ve actually used that one; it’s a fairly common unit in that it’s just one of those units you can order as-is for resale purpose. You know, not have to design your own. You’re right that it doesn’t compare with the models on this page, but if it’s just for you it’ll get the job done. It’s missing a lot of the bells and whistles like band pegs and a step-up plate, but you can replace bands easily for a lot of stuff just by holding a plate to your chest, or behind your neck. I’d only tell you to avoid it if you’re a huge dude; like 250 or more. It won’t break if you are, but it’ll feel like its going to. The big 11-gauge 2×3 or 3×3 GHDs are better for the tanks.
Thanks! I think i’ll try it!
Hello and good morning,
I know it not easy to say something about a training equipment only with pictures.
Can you image this Glute-Ham-compact model could work well for a home gym.
Or would you pay more and take one of the other models (or I will look for another brand)?
We have Strength Shop here. I’ve never been all that impressed, but some of their gear can be acceptable on a budget.
The compact model would be a mistake I think, and the Deluxe is not really that “deluxe”. Their standard GHD is a typical import model that will probably serve one or two ppl well for some time (as in, not really gonna take commercial abuse well). Yeah there is better for sure, but it should work. It’s half the price as the Abrams on the Rogue EU site, and that seems pretty accurate as it’s probably about half the GHD. Abrams is also overkill for one person.
Thanks for that fast answer (isn’t it quite late or to early in the USA? ;-)
Because of a lower spine anomaly, for me heavy training means all the time to weigh between more weights (and the benefit of more strength) and the increasing risks.
My core has to be like a shell. (No doctor would have ever believed me, that I will squat or deadlift with heavy weights).
To invest money in a perfect GHD is especially for me a very good idea.
I’m 190 cm tall (nearly 75 inch) an my shoe size is US 15/16.
So I give it a serious consideration to buy the Rogue Abram GHD 2.0 for 977 Euro total (Tax and shipping). But first I will try to check the market here in Germany.
Thanks, Mike
You’re tall like me. At our height, we easily can weigh over 200 pounds. If you want something that won’t shake and move around under your weight (plus whatever additional weight you take on board), you’ll want something made strong. Still though, the economy models will get the job done assuming it has adjustment settings appropriate for your height, but it won’t feel as secure as a beefy unit like the Abrams. Either way, it is a great piece of equipment to have. US Global-style gyms don’t have these generally, and I think ppl are missing out. Reverse hypers as well, but it’s hard to fit something like that in a garage gym especially if you have a GHD already.
Hello and good morning :-) Weekend!
I’m sorry that I’m asking you again something. But a really don’t know whom to ask…
I was searching in all german stores for a GHD.
The only two GHDs a could find for a good price and with a valuable and secure appearance are those two models (brand is “babarian line”).
But you know I never tried one and I can’t touch or test it…
Would you take one of them into account?
(first is 469 Euro, second 329 Euro – shipping is 22 Euro).
They Abram is still my favorite – hmmm….
Thanks a lot,
These have no split in the pad. You want that split, trust me.
Hi mike, bin auch aus Deutschland und war in der selben Situation wie du. Barbaian line, Strengthshop oder Rogue? Rogue ist meiner Meinung nach der beste aber bei aller Liebe 1000€ für ein GHD im Homegym? Wenn du das geld dafür hast kauf ihn! Wollte mir dann den großen Barbarian line bestellen doch da er nicht diesen “Split” im Polster hat fiel meine Entscheidung auf das Strengthshop Deluxe Modell. Vor allem als sie ihn in ihren Sonderangeboten für 100€ billiger hatten!:)
Trainiere damit nun seit ca. 8 Wochen und bin damit voll und ganz zufrieden! Bin allerdings nicht so groß wie du sondern nur 168cm. Aber ich hab das Polster ganz vorne eingestellt somit ist es für mich perfekt und es gibt noch ne menge löcher nach hinten zu verstellen. Somit sollte es auch für leute deiner Größe kein Problem sein damit zu trainieren.
Hi Frank :-)
nice to read your response in german. I answer in english, because the comments might be interisting for others.
Isn’t it funny that we both found the same brands and models?
What’s that with this split? Why is it so important? Did you read something about it? If yes, where?
I’m 190 cm and I weigh 98 kg (215 lbs). But this should not be the big problem with any machine, I hope.
Greetings, Mike
Yes thats funny:)
Your weight and your height wouldn’t be a Problem with the Strengthshop Deluxe or the big Barbarian Line. They are both very stable and solid. The Barbarian Line looks a little more solid on the Pictures then the Strengthshop model. So i can only speak for my strengthshop model that it would be strong enough for you and your Homegym. I wouldn’t go with the cheap models because they don’t look that stable.
But if you have the money go with the Abram. I think it is Rocksolid and there is no shaking or whatever! I bought a Rack from Rogueeurope and you can’t compare their Quality with the Strengthshop. Rogue costs more €€€€ but its worth it. If i had the money when i bought everything for my Homegym it would have been everything from Rogue. But like i said the Deluxe model is good enough for me and till now it makes his job very well.
The Split between the Pads is good for your “Nuts” and the rest between your legs:)
I never tried one without a split but i think it would not be that comfortable.
this is an important info :-)
How dumb – I didn’t understand “jburgeson” advice… ;-)
“The Split between the Pads is good for your “Nuts” and the rest between your legs:)”
My daughter gave me a book from DAN JOHN to my birthday “Never Let Go”.
Love it :-) Realy worth to read it.
Tolles Buch, viele Infos und Tipps – auch in Deutsch zu haben:
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Again Faster is having an amazing sale right now and is selling their GHD for $425 with free shipping. I was leaning towards the Fringesport GHD but was wondering if you know anything about the Again Faster machine. Thanks.
PS – My Matt Chan bar is awesome!
Yeah it’s a winner bar. Glad you like it. Did you get it when it was in chrome?
I’m not the biggest AF fan so I’ll never really get excited about their stuff, but that price is pretty solid since it also ships for free. AB has theirs on sale for $450 but it costs a shitload to ship, and the Abrams is a flat $95 to ship, so free is nothing to complain about.
All I can say about the unit itself is that I used one at a box that I visited once and it was pretty beat up, but who knows how long they had it at that point, or how many people had a chance to beat up on it. Probably not fair to make an assessment based on that one unit. Even if it can’t handle commercial use, if you’re using this in your personal gym with only a couple users, I can’t see how it wouldn’t last for a long time. It looks stable enough. Only drawback I see is no band pegs, and no vertical adjustments. Just make sure you’re committed before you buy it, it won’t be easy to return if you don’t like it.
I bought a Vulcan GHD several months ago for the garage and we couldn’t be happier. I actually ordered the Fringe GHD since we’re local but they kept changing their availability date so I went with the Vulcan machine.
We’ve recently added GHR’s to the routine but my wife is only 5″2″ so she can’t quite lock her knees into the pass and have her feet on the plate. Any ideas on how to get her to reach the plate or the plate to reach her?
I don’t think there is a whole lot you can do to bring the plate closer to the pad once you run out of adjustment space. Other than somehow making the plate itself thicker in order to close the gap between the plate and rollers (plywood?), I don’t know.
Hi, great site. My first post, with a question – what do you think of the Equipment Raw GHD? It looks to be the same as the “deluxe” GHD at strengthshop usa, but with their current 10% it is going for $360 shipped. Do you think the strange angle of the foot pad, or the full moon pads, are going to affect usability? Thanks!
I don’t think the foot plate being angled will matter too much, but I don’t think I’ve ever used one with anything but a completely vertical plate so I can’t say for sure. As far as the round pads, those seem to have fallen out of favor. The old York machines are like that. I personally wouldn’t want the rotating pads, but that’s personal preference I suppose. $360 is a pretty good price, but as with all of this stuff make sure you get what you really want or you’ll be buying it again down the road.
I just bought the Again Faster GHD when they had the sale running at $425 with free freight. I have had no problems with it and would recommend it to anyone. However it is missing a few features that some people are looking for: no step up plate for ease of (dis)mounting, no vertical adjustment and no band pegs. The packaging is very obviously Chinese which is annoying however once it’s all assembled it is a very strong piece of equipment. They’re out of stock now so their sale must have worked.
$425 with shipping for any half decent GHD would lead to a sell-out I think. I’m not their biggest fan, but they do have some decent sales, and I can see the appeal when they do.
They’re back in stock and on sale for $367.50 with free shipping as a part of their 10 year anniversary sale!
Looks like Fringe is releasing another GHD that appears to be cheaper and smaller than their econ unit. I’m intrigued, but there isn’t much in the way of specs. Some of their econ stuff is starting to use 12-14 gauge steel, I wonder if this unit does also. I also don’t know how much that really matters for a GHD since one wouldn’t be using nearly as much weight as a rack.
You know anything about it?
I do not. You know though, I don’t much care for that 14-gauge stuff. That $199 Squat stand they have… not for me – box-store quality stuff.
It’s true a GHD would be a better use of such thin steel than a rack, but then again I have the Abrams 2.0 and I kid you not, I can make that thing move around, and it’s a beast. If I hear anything other than what they decide to publish on the site, I’ll let ya know.
I was looking into getting a GHD. I found a ghd on craigslist for $350 barely used. Its a Valor GHD. Have you heard anything about Valor’s GHDs or the company? I’m not familiar with them. Are they big box stuff or commercial?
I also found another GHD on Craigslist. OneFitWonder GHD for $450 (only downside is its 4 hours away and then I have to factor in time and gas $). Looks to be a solid built GHD and Fringe isn’t a bad company either. Although I feel like fringe is starting to not make quite as quality products as they had 2-3 years ago. The bars and bumpers still good imo but the racks and everything else seems to be overpriced for the quality especially when you can Rogue equipment for a little bit more. Seems like Fringe has been raising a lot of their prices on things.
Valor is big box. I actually don’t see them around much anymore, not sure if that means anything – probably not though. $450 for that OFW unit is too close to what it costs new to make a drive like that. Those guys ship for free, and I can’t imagine anyone’s time is worth less than what it would take to drive 8-hours total for something.
You are right though, they are sliding. I wouldn’t even include bars on that list of acceptable gear anymore. The only good bar is the Vaughn and it’s over-priced. Bumpers are still the same, but I’d buy Vulcan’s now over Fringe because I feel like I’m supporting a company that may actually innovate something useful for us rather than just pump out more box-store gear. I’m all for moving forward, not backwards.
I know your not a fan of Again Faster under new ownership but I was wondering how much you think an Again Faster GHD would be worth paying for. I believe its the first model. I’m 6’2″ and 225lbs. if it makes a difference. I know the new ownership has begun to skimp on quality control but how about the old GHD model? have you heard anything postive or negative about it?
I’m not a fan of AF under any ownership, but for what it’s worth the GHD wasn’t their worst product. If the price is right, go for it. You didn’t mention what it’s being sold for though.
Uh. So what exactly is a GHD (i.e. what does it stand for)?
It’s in the title: Glute Ham Developer
Hello, thanks for your review.
Id like to ask your opinion on http://bodysolid-europe.com/products/body-solid-glute-ham-machine-sgh500?variant=8263137989 . Since I live in europe both this one and again faster’s are cheaper. Around 400-500€ cheaper.
Would you say Rogue Abrams 2.0 is worth that extra investment?
Thank you for your time
Body Solid is hit or miss – I don’t know about that specific GHD. I’d buy that over the Again Faster GHD though.
There is also the Abrams 1.0 for a couple hundred less than the 2.0. The swing arm on the 2.0 is not really important, just convenient.
How much would you pay for a used Legend Fitness GHD- single pad (not split), thats in decent shape. specifically the 3130 model. I’m thinking about making an offer but it looks a bit different then the one in the photo above. Looks like its a bit older and the nobs are black instead of yellow. Seems to be in solid shape though.
Did the seller give any indication of what he wants? I certainly wouldn’t offer anywhere near the cost of even the GH-1 considering the lack of a split pad no matter what the thing cost new. If you got the thing for $300 and didn’t have to pay for shipping I suppose that would be a pretty good deal, but Legend equipment isn’t exactly competitive price-wise when it comes to the likes of Rogue so you can’t really use the original cost to justify paying more than a different brand’s new GHD.
Yeah he’s asking $150. Which I think its a steal, if its in solid shape even its solid pad. He’s a gym owner and I think he’s just trying to clear space. I think I’m going to check it out tomorrow.
Oh yeah, go take a look at that one for sure.
Do you have any plans on reviewing the Titan Fitness GHD that sells for $315 shipped? It looks a lot like the Rogue Abrams 2.0.
I do not.
Have you heard of this brand called ETHOS they have ETHOS GHD Weight Bench on sale at dick’s sporting goods for $199 the reg price is $399
Yes, it’s exclusive to Dick’s. They fired whoever their last junk supplier was a year or so ago. X-Mark or Rage or something – I can’t even remember.
Ethos is more of the same. They’ve done a better job with the power rack (not that it’s perfect), but from all accounts the bulk of that brand is just garbage. Half price for the GHD might be an okay deal. If it looks like something you could use, check their return policy and make sure you could take it back if it sucks, then give it a shot. If you asked when it was full price I’d say no way, Jose.
I have to say, you really stroke the ego and awesomeness of rogue equipment like the are the ultimate. Its really funny and sad to be honest. They sell over priced knock offs of other equipment that has been around for years from various manufacturers.
Ego stroking extraordinaire. I’ve been caught
Anyone use the rep fitness ghd?
It’s like the Vulcan mostly. If you’re close enough to Colorado the shipping is low enough to come in under the Vulcan’s price. If you’re on or close to either coast, it’ll cost more than the Vulcan. I think I’ll add it to the article here – totally forgot about it. Thanks Craig
Do you have an opinion on the Power Lift GHD or on Power Lift the company? Thank you for all that you do. Your work and reviews are greatly appreciated?
Thanks Casey, I appreciate that.
Power Lift is fine, and so is the GHD if you prefer the rollers to the half-moon pads… but unless you’re buying for a commercial facility and can write that $2000 off I don’t think it’s a very “smart” buy when you can score something just as functional and durable for less than half that price.
That said, I’m all for people who aren’t concerned with budget spoiling themselves, and if that’s you and that’s the GHD you want, go for it. Definitely nothing wrong with it other than the price haha.
Thanks for the quick response! It’s actually for my garage gym and is being sold on Craigslist for $400. I’m trying to weigh the purchase against a Rogue Echo GHD. Is my assumption correct that the Power Lift would perform well with hip extensions, back extension, sit-ups? I am 6’2″ and 200 pounds.
I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work as well as any full-sized GHD. I think the only thing you need to make sure about is that you like the rollers, but since it’s local you can show up cash-in-hand and buy it if you like it, don’t buy it if you don’t. Your size shouldn’t be an issue though – I’m taller and heavier and have not had an issue with any full-sized GHD.
You mention the difference in weight between the Rep and Vulcan GHDs. It looks like the weight difference is in the foot plate assembly. Vulcan has two uprights and a more substantial mount than Rep. You can also adjust each roller height independently on the Vulcan, so there is just more material on the Vulcan design. Since all of the extra weight is on the back of the machine it should be more stable than the Rep model too. The rest looks the same.
That’s true… 30 lbs is a bit though. Of course, it could just be an inaccurate number in the first place on one or both of them.
Hi- Hopefully you’re still answering questions on this after almost two years. In two of the videos – #2 & #4, the GHD sit ups & Hip extensions – I noticed the foot pad post making a bit of clanging and there’s movement in the post itself when he performs those exercises. Do you think the foot pad post was not tightened enough ? I noticed this was the first generation GH-1, even before Abrams 2.0. I was actually considering the Swing Arm Monster after looking at the Hammer Strength BW-GH (probably way overkill plus the footprint takes up too much room). Would the Swing arm Monster be more stable then the original GH-1 GHD in the video ? Or the Abram 2.0 ? I like that the SAM’s footprint is smaller then the Abram 2.0. That foot pad post movement and clanging would drive me nuts personally. I’m not a big guy — 5’9 1/2 160 lbs. lean Distance Runner build. Thanks for your review here and thanks in advance for your answer. :-)
Every GHD I’ve ever used has some movement in the foot pad. Both post adjustments and swing arm. There’s really no way to make things so tight that they wouldn’t move at all while also allowing it to adjust with relative ease. It would basically need to be fixed. Now, those with a tightening screw are better, but a tension screw like that is no match for someone’s body weight being thrown around. You don’t even notice after the first couple uses. It’s not like its gonna break, you know?
Thanks for the info on the Legend 3130- S. I wasn’t at all familiar with the company. I spoke with the rep at length and will be ordering it.
Hi! Thank you for the incredibly helpful and thorough information you’ve posted and continue to share.
My 13-year old son is extremely dedicated to basketball and to increasing his vertical leap. We currently have a GHD machine that’s quite similar to the Rogue GH1-GHD. He recently used the Rogue Floor-Based GHD for a couple of weeks and loved it. I think he felt it was more challenging than the one we have, and that it might have better benefits/results in terms of training and vertical leap development. I think he also really likes the challenge of pulling himself up by his ankles to a vertical position. I really hesitate to buy such a simple piece of machinery for so much money and when we already have something similar. Yet, I really want to support his development and he seems to think this machine is more beneficial. Can you comment/advise? Thank you so much in advance for sharing your experience and insight!
Best, Julia
The standard GHD you have is definitely more versatile so I wouldn’t recommend actually replacing it with that floor model. That said, if he truly believes the floor model hits him different and offers benefits that the GHD doesn’t, and you’re willing to have both… I mean, I don’t really want to actually suggest to you to buy two very similar posterior chain developers when one is actually just designed the way it is to save space, but some of these things are definitely more challenging than others; sometimes intentionally, but often times simply as a side-effect of their design (and I mean both the small, compact units like this one, and some of the very, multi-station machines like the GHD/Hyper combos).
I have no horse in this race, but I personally think that it’s awesome that your 13-year old wants a glute ham developer rather than a Switch or dirt bike or something (though I don’t know, maybe he wants all that stuff too haha).
But seriously, I can’t give you a definitive answer. It’s a lot of money for a second piece, and you may just have to trust his judgment on whether it’s a want or a need.
Why Own a Glute Ham Deveroper?
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