I previously reviewed the Buddy Capps Texas Deadlift Bar back June of 2019, and I gave it a very positive review with zero hesitation. It is an amazing training implement put out by an impressive company.
Texas Power Bars (Capps Welding) is a highly experienced, reputable, and knowledgeable company that’s been in the business since the 1980’s, and the Texas Deadlift Bar is a high-performance deadlift bar that has phenomenal knurling; classy dual-roll pinned sleeves with recessed end caps; premium, oil-impregnated bronze bushings; and close to a dozen finish configurations. It truly is an end-game barbell.
That having been said, I did have one issue with the Texas Deadlift Bar in my last review; if you even want to call it an issue; and that is that the Rogue Ohio Deadlift Bar had a full inch more loadable sleeve length than the Texas Deadlift Bar. With so many similarities between these two deadlift bars and so many features being on par with one another (knurling, whip, finish options, and even the pricing), it seemed like extra loadable sleeve length could be a major factor when determining which to buy; making the Rogue the more appealing option.

Image taken from my previous TDB review. The loadable sleeve length of the Rogue Ohio Deadlift Bar (top) is 15½” while the loadable sleeve length of the original Texas Deadlift Bar is only 14¼”.
As it turns out Capps has made some modifications to the Texas Deadlift Bar; modifications that directly address this single but important issue that I had with the TDB. Now rather than having a loadable sleeve length of 14½” and collars that are 2¾” (for a total sleeve length of 17¼”), current TDBs have a loadable sleeve length of 15¾” and collars that are 2¼” long (a total length of 18″). That’s right, less collar and more loadable sleeve length.

The loadable sleeve length of the Rogue Ohio Deadlift Bar (top) remains the same at 15½” while the loadable sleeve length of the recently updated Texas Deadlift Bar is now 15¾”.
So now, not only is the loadable section of the Texas Deadlift Bar’s sleeves not shorter than the Rogue Ohio Deadlift Bar’s sleeves but they are actually ¼” longer. It gets better though. The increase in sleeve length and loadable sleeve length does not come off of the distance between each sleeve. As a matter of fact, the distance between each sleeve went from 56″ up to 56½”. This, in combination with the longer sleeves makes the bar 1½” longer (92½ vs 91″ in total length.)
The reason this is important to note is because none of these changes negatively impacted the bar’s elasticity. The plates are still loaded at the same position relative to the center-line of the bar (longer distance between sleeves + shorter collars) which means whip will not be impacted by these changes. In other words, there are zero drawbacks to modifying this bar; it’s all positive.
Finally, and I didn’t really consider this a drawback so much as something worth noting, but the Texas Deadlift Bar is now officially available in Cerakote, meaning it now has even more finish options than it did before, which was already more than the Ohio Deadlift Bar.

New Tungsten Cerakote Finish of the Buddy Capps Texas Deadlift Bar.
I have the Tungsten Cerakote, but there are four others to choose from including Blue, Red, Black and Bazooka Green. The sleeves of all the Cerakote Texas Deadlift Bars are chrome. Selecting the sleeve finish is not an option when you go the Cerakote route, but then again why would you pay nearly $400 for Cerakote and get raw steel or zinc sleeves, right?

Aggressive knurling of the Cerakote Texas Deadlift Bar.
The Cerakote Texas Deadlift Bar sells for $384, or $1 less than the Cerakote Ohio Deadlift Bar. Non-Cerakote Texas and Rogue Deadlift Bar pricing is still pretty much on par with one another. With the sleeves of the Texas Deadlift Bar now being the longer of the two, and all other things like knurl aggressiveness, sleeve rotation, and refinement being equal, I really think that the Texas Deadlift Bar is the way to go now.

The super classy, dual roll pin sleeves of the Texas Deadlift Bar.
If you’re still not sure, consider one of the best features of all Buddy Capps’ bars; those dual roll pins and beautiful recessed end caps. You still cannot find a classier looking bar. Snap-rings really do seem so meh compared to what Capps is doing, don’t you agree?
Buddy Capps *Updated* Texas Deadlift Bar Specs

- bar weight: 20 kg
- shaft diameter: 27 mm
- overall length: 92½″ (was 91″)
- shaft length: 56½″ (was 56″)
- sleeve length: 18″ (was 17¼”)
- loadable sleeve length: 15¾″ (was 14¼”) (ODB 15½”)
- collar width: 2¼″ (was 2¾”)
- outside collar to collar distance: 61″ (was 61½”)
- minimum tensile strength: 190,000 PSI
- knurl: aggressive
- center knurl: not present
- rotation: bronze bushings
- sleeve assembly: dual roll-pins with recessed end caps
- finish: customizable configuration
- shaft options: raw steel, black zinc, chrome, Cerakote
- sleeve options: raw steel, chrome
- elasticity: very high
- price: $319 to $384 – varies by finish (was $305 to $385)
Buddy Capps *Updated* Texas Deadlift Bar – Summary
The fact remains, whether you go with a Texas Deadlift Bar or a Ohio Deadlift Bar, you are not making a bad decision. You really can’t go wrong either way. So much about these two bars is identical, or about as close to identical as possible anyway. They just are not all that different from one another from a specification and/or performance standpoint.
Previously, what really set them apart was the longer sleeves on the Ohio. Maybe the extra inch on the sleeves doesn’t sound like much, but if you’re loading bumper plates rather than thinner, steel (calibrated) plates, every little bit matters. Then again, if you were never going to need that extra loading space for one reason or another, then the aesthetics of the Texas Bar might have been all it took to sway you in that direction. It was a close call between the two, for sure.
Now, the difference in loadable sleeve length is virtually nil, and with Capps Welding (Texas Power Bars) now offering Cerakote, they’ve covered that base too. Now you truly do have zero reasons to have buyer’s remorse no matter which of these two bars you go with.
Now I have two deadlift bars again. What will I do?
Well back in June I kept the Ohio Deadlift Bar over the Texas Deadlift Bar because I do pull with competition bumper plates. That was actually a pretty tough decision to make because I really and truly did prefer the aesthetics and feel of the Texas Deadlift Bar. Now with those sleeves being longer and my new Texas Deadlift Bar being finished in Tungsten Cerakote, I intend to offload the bare steel Rogue and give the Texas a home.
I’m not seeing the updated bar on Capp’s website. Those finishes are only in the body building bar (whatever that is)
Scroll further down in the products – the Cerakote bars are their own product. That option wasn’t added to existing power bars.
The texas deadlift bar has more whip/flex than the ohio deadlift bar, right? Is this new variant still preposterously loud when dropped?
I think they’re about the same. And they both are loud as hell.
At 27mm the Texas bar makes for a happy day. The owners of such a bar knows that every time someone picks up one of these bars “ITS SHOWTIME!”…
Do you know if the new changes are available for the bare/chrome finishes or would you have to buy the cerakote version. Their site still list the bar with the old specs.
Yeah I’m not sure about that because both products have the old specs. I can’t imagine they’d only update one version, but it may be worth asking their customer service.
How is the Cerakote holding up? I was interested but read a review complaining that the coating chipped way too easily.
I see no sign of wear or damage on my bar.
When Cerakote is on the sleeves I can see it maybe being chipped away by iron plates, but it shouldn’t be coming off the shaft with only your hands touching it. It should last a really, really long time actually.
I saw that you gave the knurling a really high score. How is the knurling on the Cerakote Texas Deadlift Bar compared to the one you previously owned and your bare steel Ohio Deadlift Bar?