Welcome to the Garage Gym’s Olympic Barbell Review and Shopping Guide. If you happen to be in the market for a quality weightlifting bar, power bar, WOD bar, or a general-purpose bar, then you’ve come to the right place. If you’re interested in learning the basics of barbell construction, then again, you’ve come to the [...]

If you’re serious about training at home, then you’re going to want some form of power rack or squat stand in your garage gym in order to get the most out of your workouts. You’ll need somewhere to rack the bar for overhead presses and squats, and you’ll also want access to safety spotters so [...]

Are you in need of some new bumper plates for your garage gym, CrossFit gym, or Olympic training center but you don’t know which brand or even which type of bumpers to buy? Well you have come to the right place! Whether you are just getting started and buying your very first bumper plate set, [...]

It was recommended to me that I keep a running list of all my barbell reviews, and even go so far as to perhaps comment on which bars were kept in the gym and which weren’t. Well I thought that was a fantastic idea, so here is a list of all the barbell reviews found [...]

When you first make the transition from training at a commercial gym to working out in your own home/garage gym you may experience what I like to call machine withdrawal. Machine withdrawal is when you are accustomed to utilizing a machine for any given exercise rather than using free-weights, and now you find yourself missing that [...]

I’ve been working out in my own private garage gym for about two years now. Prior to that, I had always been a member of one commercial mega gym or another, dishing out a monthly fee to basically rent someone else’s equipment. Even though my most recent gym contract was at a nicer gym than [...]

“Where can I buy gym mirrors?” I’ve been asked this question many, many times now, so I figured it was time to throw up an article with some gym-mirror-shopping recommendations and suggestions. I’ll offer you a handful options ranging from potentially free to moderately expensive. Obviously your budget and your willingness to spend time shopping [...]