I’ve been searching high and low for the perfect pair of gym shorts. A pair of shorts to train in that are comfortable, lightweight, flexible, ideally affordable, and short enough to squat in without having to worry about fabric catching on my knees or sticking to my thighs. Bonus features would include moisture-wicking, breathable, and good [...]
Equipment Guides

Folding wall racks are a great space saving alternative to full-size power racks for athletes who want to train in their garage, but who still need to be able to pull the vehicle in at night. Folding racks require only some empty wall space and a few inches of floor space to store, yet they open up into a full-size rack that’s almost [...]

Welcome to the long-overdue guide for leather power belts. If you’re currently in the market for a new belt then you’ve come to the right place. I’ll be going over some of the top leather power belt options, and a couple of the better budget belts as well. What I’ll basically be doing in this [...]

There’s a growing variety of specialized strength training bars on the market to supplement your workouts with. Maybe you’ve already seen some weird looking bar at one of the gyms and wondered what it was called, what it was for, or where you could get one. I’m going to give you a brief tour of [...]

So far I feel that I have bars, bumpers, and racks pretty well covered on this site. I’m certain you can find something useful on this site if you’re shopping for one of those core garage gym pieces. What I haven’t covered very well to date are change plates. Since it’s likely that just about every lifter will ultimately find [...]

Welcome to the Women’s Olympic Barbell Guide. This article is more or less an extension of my original Barbell Guide, only the focus here is on women’s 15 kg bars instead of what is mostly men’s 20 kg bars in the original. The original guide has a very thorough opening section that explains the basics of barbell [...]

Are you still forking out cash every month to train at a global-gym or CrossFit box? Wouldn’t you rather be training at home? If the cost of owning your own quality equipment seems too high and out of reach, and it’s that reason alone that stops you from building out your own garage gym, I have good [...]

If you’re looking to add a Glute Ham Developer (GHD) to your home or garage gym, that’s great! The GHD is an fantastic piece of equipment to have in your arsenal, as owning one opens the door to many important exercises that are difficult to replicate without either the glute ham developer or the various commercial [...]

Well maybe Olympic collars aren’t the most important piece of equipment ever, but I didn’t want a boring title for a somewhat boring article. Sue me! This is a guide to the great number of our Olympic collar options, and boy are there many! Other than to mention that I cover both the basic, mostly weightless [...]

Are you looking for a little help figuring out what the difference between all the Rogue bars is without needing to make a spreadsheet and have 15 browser tabs open? If so, you have come to the right place! Rogue Fitness has one of the most extensive collections of branded barbells around. It can be daunting trying to figure out which bar is [...]

You may have wondered to yourself, “why does CrossFit utilize the rower rather than say a climber, treadmill, spin bike, or really any other piece of cardio equipment out there?” When you go to a commercial gym you see almost everything but rowers, right? I mean, perhaps the gym has a couple off in the corner, but they [...]

Are you looking for a way to add some variation to your lifts? Are you hitting some plateaus and needing to break up the routine? For an inexpensive way to mix up your bench press, overhead press, rows, deadlifts, and even arm workouts, consider a Swiss bar like Rogue’s MG-1 Multi-Grip Bar. The MG-1 Bar [...]

Is Rogue Fitness going commercial? Rogue is well known for their huge selection of quality Crossfit and weightlifting equipment. They are the go-to for power racks, Olympic bars, bumper plates, and all sorts of gear for equipping a Crossfit affiliate or a personal home or garage gym. However, Rogue Fitness hasn’t typically been associated with [...]

Have you decided to incorporate some kettlebells into your training? Thanks in large part to CrossFit, kettlebell training is quite fashionable these days. It’s not that kettlebell training is brand new or anything, but I do think that it is fair to say that kettlebell usage and sales has surged as a direct result of [...]

Let’s face it, not everyone enjoys jogging or biking outside for their cardio. Not everyone is involved in a sport that gets them loads of cardio each week either. There are those among us that prefer to run on a treadmill or an elliptical, or use some other piece of home cardio equipment in the [...]